Have you taken the Module 2nd of the SAT Reading and Writing Test? I hope you are finishing the whole test. To achieve proficiency in the SAT exam, you must finish the test by that time. Our format is similar to the SAT Examination. You take the SAT Test Reading and Writing Module Second to practice your skills. The best part is that you practice free within the time limit, and there are explanations of the correct answers and tips and tricks to get a perfect score on the SAT.

The SAT is divided into four modules. There are two categories with each divided two modules into. The first category is “Reading and Writing” with two modules. The second category is “Math” with two modules. The one, you will do below is SAT Practice Test Reading and Writing Module 2nd.
The first module has questions ranging from easy to difficult, but the second module only contains difficult questions. If you want to take some other SATs, visit the links below.
- 1st Module of SAT Reading And Writing Practice Tests
- 2nd Module of SAT Reading And Writing Practice Tests
- 1st Module of SAT Math Practice Tests
- 2nd Module of SAT Math Practice Tests
The second module of the SAT reading and writing also contains four segments: Craft and Structure, Information and Ideas, Standard English Conventions, and Expression of Ideas. The questions in Module 2nd are only difficult. In a real SAT exam, you must answer 27 questions within 32 minutes. You will find the same time structure here in this Practice Test.
Instructions for the SAT Real-Time Exam
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- Mobile: You cannot take the real exam on mobile, but our practice exam you can give on mobile.
- Tips: This article will help you learn more about the SAT Exams. SAT: EVERYTHING ABOUT THE SAT
Our team has reviewed some of the best SAT learning materials for your convenience. These materials are best for your career growth.
- SAT Study Cards: https://amzn.to/3NJLI4O
- SAT Prep Book All In One Black Book: https://amzn.to/40uPYwK
- Check Our Review Blog: review.mrenglishkj.com
Do not open the tabs before finishing the practice test above! We have compiled all the solutions and their explanations here for your convenience. We will also give you some tips or advice to help you understand them better. You’ll see ‘why this answer is correct’ and ‘why this is incorrect.’
Reading and Writing Answers and Explanations
The color green shows the correct answer, red shows the incorrect answer, and blue shows tips or tricks.
1st Question
Question: The Mule Bone, a 1930 play written by Zora Neale Hurston and Langston Hughes, is perhaps the best-known of the few examples of __________ in literature. Most writers prefer working alone, and given that working together cost Hurston and Hughes their friendship, it is not hard to see why.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) characterization
B) interpretation
C) collaboration
D) commercialization
Choice C is the best answer because it logically and precisely completes the text’s discussion of The Mule Bone, a play that Zora Neale Hurston and Langston Hughes wrote together. In this context, “collaboration” means working together with someone to write a literary work. The text indicates that most writers prefer to work alone and that working together destroyed the friendship between Hurston and Hughes. This establishes that The Mule Bone is a relatively rare example of collaboration in literature.
Choice A is incorrect because in this context, “characterization” would mean a literary work’s portrayal of characters’ psychological experiences and motivations, but the text doesn’t discuss characterization in The Mule Bone specifically or in collaborative works more generally.
Choice B is incorrect because in this context, “interpretation” would mean the explanation of a literary work’s meaning or significance, but the text doesn’t discuss how readers or critics have interpreted The Mule Bone; instead, the text discusses how the play was written collaboratively and how the writing process affected the two authors.
Choice D is incorrect because in this context, “commercialization” would mean writing a literary work in such a way as to ensure its commercial appeal, but the text never discusses commercial appeal as a factor in the writing of The Mule Bone specifically or the writing of collaborative works more generally.
Skim the paragraph to find the most suitable word, and work on your vocabulary skills also.
2nd Question
Question: The process of mechanically recycling plastics is often considered ________ because of the environmental impact and the loss of material quality that often occurs. But chemist Takunda Chazovachii has helped develop a cleaner process of chemical recycling that converts superabsorbent polymers from diapers into a desirable reusable adhesive.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) resilient
B) inadequate
C) dynamic
D) satisfactory
Choice B is the best answer because it most logically completes the text’s discussion about recycling plastics. In this context, “inadequate” means not satisfactory. The text indicates that the mechanical plastic-recycling process affects the environment and causes “the loss of material quality.” The text contrasts that with Chazovachii’s chemical plastic-recycling process, which is cleaner and produces a desirable product. The text’s emphasis on the negative aspects of mechanical recycling suggests that it is inadequate in terms of environmental impact and the quality of the material the process yields.
Choice A is incorrect because in this context “resilient” would mean able to withstand difficulty and the text does not characterize the plastic-recycling process as having this quality or describe any difficulties that these processes might need to overcome.
Choice C is incorrect because in this context “dynamic” would mean constantly changing. Although the text suggests that there have been changes in the field of recycling, as is the case with the advent of Chazovachii’s chemical recycling process, there is nothing to suggest that the mechanical process itself has changed or is prone to change.
Choice D is incorrect because in this context “satisfactory” would mean acceptable but not perfect. The text mentions only shortcomings of the mechanical process (environmental effects and lower material quality), so the text more strongly supports a negative view of this process and provides no evidence that it would be considered satisfactory.
Skim the paragraph to find the most suitable word, and also work on your vocabulary skills.
3rd Question
Question: Interruptions in the supply chain for microchips used in personal electronics have challenged an economist’s assertion that retailers can expect robust growth in sales of those devices in the coming months. The delays are unlikely to ___________ her projection entirely but will almost certainly extend its time frame.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) dispute
B) withdraw
C) underscore
D) invalidate
Choice D is the best answer because it most logically completes the text’s discussion of the economist’s claim about sales of personal electronic devices. In this context, “invalidate” most nearly means nullify or make invalid. The text indicates that interruptions in the supply of microchips for personal electronics “have challenged” the economist’s claim that sales of personal electronics will show strong growth in the coming months. The text goes on to clarify the effect of the delays on the economist’s projection, stating that the delays are very likely to extend the time frame over which the projected growth in sales will occur. This context suggests that the delays are unlikely to invalidate the economist’s projection entirely—the delays will probably alter the time frame of the projection, not nullify it or make it invalid.
Choice A is incorrect because saying that the delays are unlikely to “dispute,” or argue against, the economist’s projection wouldn’t make sense. Since the delays are an inanimate circumstance, they couldn’t argue against a prediction about the sales of personal electronics.
Choice B is incorrect because saying that the delays are unlikely to “withdraw,” or remove from consideration, the economist’s projection wouldn’t make sense. Although the economist could withdraw her projection because of the delays, the delays themselves couldn’t withdraw her projection since they’re an inanimate circumstance and thus can’t choose to remove something from consideration.
Choice C is incorrect because there’s nothing in the text to suggest that the delays will “underscore,” or emphasize, the economist’s projection. Instead, the text suggests that the delays are likely to extend the time frame of the economist’s projection but not to undermine the projection entirely.
Skim the paragraph to find the most suitable word, and also work on your vocabulary skills.
4th Question
Question: For her 2021 art installation Anthem, Wu Tsang joined forces with singer and composer Beverly Glenn-Copeland to produce a piece that critics found truly _________: they praised Tsang for creatively transforming a museum rotunda into a dynamic exhibit by projecting filmed images of Glenn-Copeland onto a massive 84-foot curtain and filling the space with the sounds of his and other voices singing.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) restrained
B) inventive
C) inexplicable
D) mystifying
Choice B is the best answer because it most logically completes the text’s discussion of the art installation Anthem. In this context, “inventive” means characterized by invention and creativity. The text explains that critics’ responses to the installation involved praise for Tsang’s creative transformation of a space into a dynamic exhibit with huge images and lots of sound. This context conveys that the critics found the piece particularly creative.
Choice A is incorrect because the text indicates that critics praised the installation for being dynamic and including huge images and lots of sound, and it wouldn’t make sense to describe such an exhibit as “restrained,” or limited and not extravagant or showy.
Choice C is incorrect because it wouldn’t make sense to say that critics found the installation “inexplicable,” or incapable of being explained or interpreted since the critics were able to explain their praise for the installation’s transformation of a space with huge images and lots of sound.
Choice D is incorrect because the text focuses on the idea that critics praised Tsang for creatively transforming a space into a dynamic exhibit, not that they found the installation “mystifying,” or bewildering and hard to understand. Nothing in the text suggests that the critics couldn’t understand the piece.
Skim the paragraph to find the most suitable word, and also work on your vocabulary skills.
5th Question
Question: Some scientists have suggested that mammals in the Mesozoic era were not a very __________ group, but paleontologist Zhe-Xi Luo’s research suggests that early mammals living in the shadow of dinosaurs weren’t all ground-dwelling insectivores. Fossils of various plant-eating mammals have been found in China, including species like Vilevolodon diplomylos, which Luo says could glide like a flying squirrel.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) predatory
B) obscure
C) diverse
D) localized
Choice C is the best answer because it most logically completes the text’s discussion of the kinds of mammals alive during the Mesozoic era. As used in this context, “diverse” means to have a significant amount of variety. The text indicates that some scientists have suggested that Mesozoic mammals can’t be characterized in a certain way, then contrasts the view put forward by those scientists with Luo’s research, which shows that Mesozoic mammals “weren’t all ground-dwelling insectivores” and instead were “various.” This context suggests that some scientists have viewed Mesozoic mammals as being all alike, or not a very diverse group.
Choice A is incorrect because it wouldn’t make sense to say that some scientists have suggested that Mesozoic mammals weren’t very “predatory,” or that they didn’t prey on other animals, since the text establishes a contrast between what some scientists have suggested and Luo’s research showing that Mesozoic mammals “weren’t all ground-dwelling insectivores.” This context suggests that some scientists have regarded Mesozoic mammals as all being insectivores, or animals that prey on insects, not that some scientists have suggested that Mesozoic mammals didn’t prey on other animals.
Choice B is incorrect because it wouldn’t make sense to say that some scientists have suggested that Mesozoic mammals weren’t very “obscure,” or concealed or not well known, since the text establishes a contrast between what some scientists have suggested and Luo’s research showing that Mesozoic mammals were a varied group. There’s no contrast between saying that the mammals weren’t concealed or well known and the mammals being varied.
Choice D is incorrect because it wouldn’t make sense to say that some scientists have suggested that Mesozoic mammals weren’t very “localized,” or confined to a particular area, since the text establishes a contrast between what some scientists have suggested and Luo’s research showing that Mesozoic mammals were a varied group. There’s no contrast between saying that the mammals weren’t localized and the mammals being varied. Although the text mentions mammal fossils found in China, nothing in the discussion of Luo’s research addresses the limits of Mesozoic mammal habitats.
Skim the paragraph to find the most suitable word, and also work on your vocabulary skills.
6th Question
Question: The following text is adapted from Lewis Carroll’s 1889 satirical novel Sylvie and Bruno. A crowd has gathered outside a room belonging to the Warden, an official who reports to the Lord Chancellor.
One man, who was more excited than the rest, flung his hat high into the air, and shouted (as well as I could make out) “Who roar for the Sub-Warden?” Everybody roared, but whether it was for the Sub-Warden, or not, did not clearly appear: some were shouting “Bread!” and some “Taxes!”, but no one seemed to know what it was they really wanted.
All this I saw from the open window of the Warden’s breakfast-saloon, looking across the shoulder of the Lord Chancellor.
“What can it all mean?” he kept repeating to himself. “I never heard such shouting before—and at this time of the morning, too! And with such unanimity!”
Based on the text, how does the Lord Chancellor respond to the crowd?
A) He asks about the meaning of the crowd’s shouting, even though he claims to know what the crowd wants.
B) He indicates a desire to speak to the crowd, even though the crowd has asked to speak to the Sub-Warden.
C) He expresses sympathy for the crowd’s demands, even though the crowd’s shouting annoys him.
D) He describes the crowd as being united, even though the crowd clearly appears otherwise.
Choice D is the best answer because it presents a statement about how the Lord Chancellor responds to the crowd that is supported by the text. The text indicates that the people in the crowd are roaring and shouting “Bread!” or “Taxes!” and presents them as not knowing what they really want. The Lord Chancellor’s response is to ask what their shouting means but also to observe that they’re shouting with “unanimity,” or total agreement. Clearly, this isn’t the case, which supports the statement that the Lord Chancellor describes the crowd as being united even though it’s not.
Choice A is incorrect because it isn’t supported by the text. Although the text indicates that the Lord Chancellor asks about the meaning of the crowd’s shouting, it doesn’t suggest that he knows what the crowd really wants.
Choice B is incorrect because the text doesn’t suggest that the Lord Chancellor wants to speak to the crowd. Furthermore, the text doesn’t indicate that the crowd wants to hear from the Sub-Warden. Although the crowd roars when asked “Who roar for the Sub-Warden?” it’s unclear what the roaring means.
Choice C is incorrect because the text doesn’t suggest that the Lord Chancellor knows of or sympathizes with the crowd’s demands. In addition, the text doesn’t indicate that the crowd’s shouting annoys the Lord Chancellor, just that it causes him to keep repeating “What can it all mean?”
Time-consuming: Guess the answer if you take time to skim. Practice more by attempting questions like this before the final examination.
7th Question
Question: O Pioneers! is a 1913 novel by Willa Cather. In the novel, Cather portrays Alexandra Bergson as having a deep emotional connection to her natural surroundings: _________
Which quotation from O Pioneers! most effectively illustrates the claim?
A) “She had never known before how much the country meant to her. The chirping of the insects down in the long grass had been like the sweetest music. She had felt as if her heart were hiding down there, somewhere, with the quail and the plover and all the little wild things that crooned or buzzed in the sun. Under the long shaggy ridges, she felt the future stirring.”
B) “Alexandra talked to the men about their crops and to the women about their poultry. She spent a whole day with one young farmer who had been away at school, and who was experimenting with a new kind of clover hay. She learned a great deal.”
C) “Alexandra drove off alone. The rattle of her wagon was lost in the howling of the wind, but her lantern, held firmly between her feet, made a moving point of light along the highway, going deeper and deeper into the dark country.”
D) “It was Alexandra who read the papers and followed the markets, and who learned by the mistakes of their neighbors. It was Alexandra who could always tell about what it had cost to fatten each steer, and who could guess the weight of a hog before it went on the scales closer than John Bergson [her father] himself.”
Choice A is the best answer because it presents the quotation that most directly illustrates the claim that Cather portrays Alexandra as having a deep emotional connection to her natural surroundings. This quotation states that the country meant a great deal to Alexandra and then goes on to detail several ways in which her natural surroundings affect her emotionally: the insects sound like “the sweetest music,” she feels as though “her heart were hiding” in the grass “with the quail and the plover,” and near the ridges she feels “the future stirring.”
Choice B is incorrect because the quotation doesn’t suggest that Alexandra had a deep emotional connection to her natural surroundings but instead describes how she interacts with the people around her to learn more about crops, poultry, and experiments with clover hay.
Choice C is incorrect because the quotation doesn’t suggest that Alexandra has a deep emotional connection to her natural surroundings but instead describes her nighttime departure in a wagon. The quotation says nothing about Alexandra’s emotional state.
Choice D is incorrect because the quotation doesn’t convey Alexandra’s deep emotional connection to her natural surroundings; instead, this quotation describes how well she understands the markets and livestock.
For this to understand, you must know the content. Every novel, poem, or story is taken from your school curriculum. Better guess the questions like this.
8th Question

Question: A group of researchers working in Europe, Asia, and Oceania conducted a study to determine how quickly different Eurasian languages are typically spoken (in syllables per second) and how much information they can effectively convey (in bits per second). They found that, although languages vary widely in the speed at which they are spoken, the amount of information languages can effectively convey tends to vary much less. Thus, they claim that two languages with very different spoken rates can nonetheless convey the same amount of information in a given amount of time.
Which choice best describes data from the table that support the researchers’ claim?
A) Among the five languages in the table, Thai and Hungarian have the lowest rates of speech and the lowest rates of information conveyed.
B) Vietnamese conveys information at approximately the same rate as Spanish despite being spoken at a slower rate.
C) Among the five languages in the table, the language that is spoken the fastest is also the language that conveys information the fastest.
D) Serbian and Spanish are spoken at approximately the same rate, but Serbian conveys information faster than Spanish does.
Choice B is the best answer because it provides the most direct support from the table for the claim that two languages can convey similar amounts of information even if they’re spoken at different rates. The table shows the approximate rates at which five languages are spoken and the rates at which those five languages convey information. Vietnamese is spoken at around 5.3 syllables per second, whereas Spanish is spoken at around 7.7 syllables per second, but the two languages convey information at very similar rates: Vietnamese at a rate of around 42.5 bits per second and Spanish at a rate of around 42.0 bits per second. Thus, the description of Vietnamese conveying information at around the same rate that Spanish does despite being spoken more slowly supports the claim in the text that languages can convey the same amount of information even if spoken at different rates.
Choice A is incorrect because it isn’t true that Thai and Hungarian have the lowest rates of speech of the five languages shown. According to the table, Hungarian is spoken at around 5.9 syllables per second, which is faster than Vietnamese (5.3 syllables per second). Additionally, even if this statement were true, the assertion that two languages are spoken the slowest and convey information the
slowest wouldn’t support the claim that languages can convey the same amount of information even if they’re spoken at different rates.
Choice C is incorrect because it isn’t true that the fastest-spoken language (Spanish, at 7.7 syllables per second) also conveys information the fastest: Spanish conveys information at 42.0 bits per second, which is slower than the 42.5 bits-per-second rate at which Vietnamese conveys information. Additionally, even if this statement were true, the assertion that the language spoken the fastest also conveys information the fastest has no bearing on the claim that languages can convey the same amount of information even if they’re spoken at different rates.
Choice D is incorrect because it isn’t true that Serbian conveys information faster than Spanish does. According to the table, Serbian conveys information at a rate of around 39.1 bits per second, which is slower than the 42.0 bits-per-second rate at which Spanish conveys information.
Understand the table, skim the paragraph, and practice more questions like this.
9th Question
Question: Psychologists Dacher Keltner and Jonathan Haidt have argued that experiencing awe—a sensation of reverence and wonder typically brought on by perceiving something grand or powerful—can enable us to feel more connected to others and thereby inspire us to act more altruistically. Keltner, along with Paul K. Piff, Pia Dietze, and colleagues, claims to have found evidence for this effect in a recent study where participants were asked to either gaze up at exceptionally tall trees in a nearby grove (reported to be a universally awe-inspiring experience) or stare at the exterior of a nearby, nondescript building. After one minute, an experimenter deliberately spilled a box of pens nearby.
Which finding from the researchers’ study, if true, would most strongly support their claim?
A) Participants who had been looking at the trees helped the experimenter pick up significantly more pens than did participants who had been looking at the building.
B) Participants who helped the experimenter pick up the pens used a greater number of positive words to describe the trees and the building in a post-experiment survey than did participants who did not help the experimenter.
C) Participants who did not help the experimenter pick up the pens were significantly more likely to report having experienced a feeling of awe, regardless of whether they looked at the building or the trees.
D) Participants who had been looking at the building were significantly more likely to notice that the experimenter had dropped the pens than were participants who had been looking at the trees.
Choice A is the best answer because it presents a finding that, if true, would most strongly support the researchers’ claim that they found evidence that experiencing awe can make people feel more connected to others and thus more likely to behave altruistically (with beneficial and unselfish concern for others). According to the text, the researchers tested for this effect by first having participants look at either something known to be awe-inspiring (very tall trees) or something ordinary (a plain building) and then purposely spilling pens near the participants. The finding that participants who had looked at the trees helped pick up significantly more pens than did participants who had looked at the building would support the researchers’ claim by demonstrating that the people who had experienced awe behaved more altruistically when the experimenter needed help than the other participants did.
Choice B is incorrect because a finding about helpful participants using positive words to describe the trees and the building after the experiment was over wouldn’t have any bearing on the researchers’ claim that experiencing awe increases altruistic behavior. The text doesn’t address the use of positive words to describe things or suggest any connection between using such words and having experienced awe, so that behavior wouldn’t serve as evidence that experiencing awe played a role in promoting helpful behavior.
Choice C is incorrect because a finding that participants who didn’t help the experimenter were significantly more likely than others to report having experienced awe whether they had looked at the building or the trees would weaken the researchers’ claim that experiencing awe increases altruistic behavior by suggesting that the opposite might be true—that experiencing awe is in fact linked to choosing not to act in a way that benefits someone else.
Choice D is incorrect because a finding about participants noticing that the experimenter had dropped the pens wouldn’t have any bearing on the researchers’ claim about people behaving altruistically. Being aware of a challenge or problem isn’t necessarily beneficial on its own and isn’t the same as offering help, so the finding wouldn’t support the idea that experiencing awe increases altruistic behavior.
Time-consuming: Guess the answer if you take time to skim. Practice more by attempting questions like this before the final examination.
10th Question

Question: Over the past two hundred years, the percentage of the population employed in the agricultural sector has declined in both France and the United States, while employment in the service sector (which includes jobs in retail, consulting, real estate, etc.) has risen. However, this transition happened at very different rates in the two countries. This can be seen most clearly by comparing the employment by sector in both countries in ___________.
Which choice most effectively uses data from the table to complete the statement?
A) 1900 with the employment by sector in 1950.
B) 1800 with the employment by sector in 2012.
C) 1900 with the employment by sector in 2012.
D) 1800 with the employment by sector in 1900.
Choice A is the best answer because it presents data from the table that most effectively complete the statement about the rates at which employment shifted in France and the United States. The text states that over the last two hundred years employment in the agricultural sector has declined while employment in the service sector has risen in both France and the US, and the data from the table reflect these trends. The text asserts, however, that the transition from agriculture to services “happened at very different rates in the two countries.” This assertion is best supported by a comparison of data from 1900 and 1950: the table shows that in those years, employment in agriculture went from 43% to 32% in France (a decline of 11 percentage points) and from 41% to 14% in the US (a decline of 27 percentage points), and that employment in services went from 28% to 35% in France (an increase of 7 percentage points) and from 31% to 53% in the US (an increase of 22 percentage points). In other words, the rate of change was greater in the US than in France for both sectors.
Choice B is incorrect because comparing the data for 1800 and 2012 would suggest a similar rate of change in the two countries, not very different rates: employment in agriculture went from 64% in 1800 to 3% in 2012 in France, which is close to the change from 68% in 1800 to 2% in 2012 in the US, while employment in services went from 14% in 1800 to 76% in 2012 in France, which is close to the change from 13% in 1800 to 80% in 2012 in the US.
Choice C is incorrect because comparing the data for 1900 and 2012 would suggest a similar rate of change in the two countries rather than very different rates: employment in agriculture went from 43% in 1900 to 3% in 2012 in France, which is close to the change from 41% in 1900 to 2% in 2012 in the US, while employment in services went from 28% in 1900 to 76% in 2012 in France, which is close to the change from 31% in 1900 to 80% in 2012 in the US.
Choice D is incorrect because comparing the data for 1800 and 1900 would suggest a similar rate of change in the two countries, not very different rates: employment in agriculture went from 64% in 1800 to 43% in 1900 in France, which is fairly close to the change from 68% in 1800 to 41% in 1900 in the US, while employment in services went from 14% in 1800 to 28% in 1900 in France, which is close to the change from 13% in 1800 to 31% in 1900 in the US.
Understand the table, skim the paragraph, and practice more questions like this.
11th Question
Question: “Autonomous vehicles, or self-driving cars, have the potential to revolutionize urban transportation. By removing human error, autonomous vehicles can significantly reduce the number of traffic accidents. Additionally, these vehicles could help reduce traffic congestion and lower greenhouse gas emissions by promoting more efficient driving patterns.”
Which choice best combines the sentences to improve clarity and conciseness?
A) Autonomous vehicles can reduce traffic accidents, congestion, and greenhouse gas emissions by eliminating human error and promoting efficient driving.
B) Autonomous vehicles are able to reduce traffic accidents, congestion, and emissions while they are also eliminating human error.
C) Autonomous vehicles reduce traffic accidents and also help in the reduction of congestion and emissions by promoting driving that is more efficient.
D) Autonomous vehicles may reduce traffic accidents by removing human error; they might also decrease congestion and could help reduce emissions.
Choice A is the best answer because it is the most concise and combines the ideas clearly, maintaining a parallel structure.
Choice B is incorrect because “While they are also” makes the sentence awkward.
Choice C is incorrect because “Wordy and less clear than the correct option.”
Choice D is incorrect because it “Uses too many conditional words, making the statement sound weaker.”
Aim for clear, direct language with a logical flow.
12th Question
Question: “Autonomous vehicles, or self-driving cars, have the potential to revolutionize urban transportation. By removing human error, autonomous vehicles can significantly reduce the number of traffic accidents. Additionally, these vehicles could help reduce traffic congestion and lower greenhouse gas emissions by promoting more efficient driving patterns.”
Which choice best supports the idea that autonomous vehicles could improve urban air quality?
A) By removing human error, autonomous vehicles reduce traffic accidents.
B) Efficient driving patterns can lead to lower greenhouse gas emissions.
C) Self-driving cars may help people commute more easily within cities.
D) Autonomous vehicles are expected to be widely available within the next decade.
Choice B is the best answer because it directly links autonomous vehicles with reduced emissions, which impacts air quality.
Choice A is incorrect because it “Focuses on accident reduction, not air quality.”
Choice C is incorrect because it “Discusses commuting but not environmental impact.”
Choice D is incorrect because it “Talks about availability, not air quality benefits.”
Look for answers that clearly relate to the main idea—in this case, improving air quality.
13th Question
Question: “Utilitarianism, the ethical theory that advocates for actions that maximize happiness for the greatest number of people, has been both praised and criticized. Its proponents argue that it provides a clear, objective means of determining right from wrong by focusing on outcomes. However, critics argue that utilitarianism can justify morally questionable actions if those actions lead to a net positive outcome. For example, it might condone violating an individual’s rights if doing so benefits the majority—a stance that many consider ethically troubling.”
Which statement best captures the author’s perspective on utilitarianism?
A) Utilitarianism is an ethically flawed theory that should be disregarded.
B) Utilitarianism offers a practical decision-making tool but has significant moral limitations.
C) Utilitarianism is the most effective moral theory due to its focus on objective outcomes.
D) Utilitarianism’s primary flaw is its inability to maximize happiness for the individual.
Choice B is the best answer because “The passage acknowledges the practicality of utilitarianism in providing an objective approach but highlights its ethical concerns, such as the potential to justify rights violations.”
Choice A is incorrect because it “Overstates the author’s view; they don’t suggest disregarding utilitarianism entirely.”
Choice C is incorrect because it “Ignores the criticism of utilitarianism’s moral limitations.”
Choice D is incorrect because it “Misinterprets the passage; the primary concern is rights violations, not individual happiness maximization.”
When interpreting complex theories, focus on nuanced phrases like “praised and criticized” to find a balanced view.
14th Question
Question: “Scientific progress, though celebrated for its transformative impact on society, often faces considerable resistance. Innovations that disrupt conventional understanding or challenge established norms are particularly susceptible to skepticism, even from within the scientific community. History reveals numerous cases where groundbreaking ideas, from heliocentrism to evolutionary theory, were initially met with opposition. This resistance stems partly from the human tendency to resist change and partly from the established systems that benefit from maintaining the status quo.”
According to the passage, what is a primary reason for resistance to scientific progress?
A) Scientific advancements rarely lead to significant societal benefits.
B) Groundbreaking ideas typically lack sufficient evidence when they are introduced.
C) Established systems and human tendencies resist change that disrupts the status quo.
D) Scientific theories should not challenge established norms to avoid societal unrest.
Choice C is the best answer because “The passage describes resistance as stemming from both human tendencies and established systems that have a vested interest in maintaining current norms.”
Choice A is incorrect because “Contradicts the passage’s assertion that scientific progress has a transformative impact.”
Choice B is incorrect because “Implies that the primary issue is a lack of evidence, which is not the focus.”
Choice D is incorrect because “Misinterprets the author’s stance; the passage does not suggest avoiding challenges to norms.”
Pay attention to phrases like “resistance stems partly from” to identify multiple reasons supporting the main point.
15th Question
Question: “As the days turned into months, she found herself relishing the solitude that had once seemed unbearable. Without the constant din of others’ opinions, she felt her thoughts expand, her mind drifting to ideas and questions she’d never previously entertained. Solitude, she realized, was not merely an absence but a presence—a space where she could finally explore who she was beyond others’ expectations.”
What does the author imply about solitude in this passage?
A) Solitude is essential for personal growth and self-discovery.
B) Solitude is a challenging experience that can lead to loneliness.
C) Solitude provides a person with a chance to evaluate others’ opinions more critically.
D) Solitude is detrimental unless balanced with social interaction.
Choice A is the best answer because “The protagonist finds that solitude allows her thoughts to expand and lets her explore her own identity without outside influences, suggesting that solitude is valuable for self-discovery.”
Choice B is incorrect because it “Contradicts the passage’s depiction of solitude as enjoyable and enriching.”
Choice C is incorrect because it “Misinterprets the focus on self-exploration rather than on evaluating others.”
Choice D is incorrect because it “The passage does not suggest solitude is harmful or needs balancing with social interaction.”
Look for positive or negative language cues to interpret the author’s view on solitude. The protagonist’s reflections reveal a positive transformation in her perspective.
16th Question
Question: Ratified by more than 90 countries, the Nagoya Protocol is an international agreement ensuring that Indigenous communities are compensated when their agricultural resources and knowledge of wild plants and animals are utilized by agricultural corporations. However, the protocol has shortcomings. For example, it allows corporations to insist that their agreements with communities to conduct research on the commercial uses of the communities’ resources and knowledge remain confidential. Therefore, some Indigenous advocates express concern that the protocol may have the unintended effect of _________.
Which choice most logically completes the text?
A) diminishing the monetary reward that corporations might derive from their agreements with Indigenous communities.
B) limiting the research that corporations conduct on the resources of the Indigenous communities with which they have signed agreements.
C) preventing independent observers from determining whether the agreements guarantee equitable compensation for Indigenous communities.
D) discouraging Indigenous communities from learning new methods for harvesting plants and animals from their corporate partners.
Choice C is the best answer because it most logically completes the argument about an unintended effect of the Nagoya Protocol. The text explains that the Nagoya Protocol is an agreement ensuring that Indigenous communities are compensated when their agricultural resources and knowledge are used by corporations. The text then states that the protocol allows corporations to keep their agreements with Indigenous communities confidential, about which some Indigenous advocates express concern. Choice C, when inserted into the blank, gives a good justification for the advocates’ concern: such secrecy could mean that the public is unable to determine whether participating Indigenous communities were properly compensated under these agreements.
Choice A is incorrect. The text suggests that because corporations can keep their agreements with Indigenous communities confidential, Indigenous communities, not corporations, might not be compensated fairly.
Choice B is incorrect because the text doesn’t suggest that the ability of corporations to keep their agreements with Indigenous communities confidential would place limits on how much research corporations can undertake.
Choice D is incorrect because the text doesn’t indicate that Indigenous communities aim to learn new harvesting methods from their corporate partners. Rather, the text suggests that corporations use the knowledge of Indigenous communities for their research.
You are going to complete the text by adding the most logical conclusion. The more you practice – the better you will become on it.
17th Question
Question: The domestic sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) descends from a wild plant native to South America. It also populates the Polynesian Islands, where evidence confirms that Native Hawaiians and other Indigenous peoples were cultivating the plant centuries before seafaring first occurred over the thousands of miles of ocean separating them from South America. To explain how the sweet potato was first introduced in Polynesia, botanist Pablo Muñoz-Rodríguez and colleagues analyzed the DNA of numerous varieties of the plant, concluding that Polynesian varieties diverged from South American ones over 100,000 years ago. Given that Polynesia was peopled only in the last three thousand years, the team concluded that ___________.
Which choice most logically completes the text?
A) the cultivation of the sweet potato in Polynesialikely predates its cultivation in South America.
B) Polynesian peoples likely acquired the sweetpotato from South American peoples only withinthe last three thousand years.
C) human activity likely played no role in theintroduction of the sweet potato in Polynesia.
D) Polynesian sweet potato varieties likely descendfrom a single South American variety that wasdomesticated, not wild.
Choice C is the best answer because it most logically completes the text’s discussion of the sweet potato in Polynesia. The text indicates that the sweet potato is found in Polynesia but originated in South America, and that the sweet potato was being cultivated by Native Hawaiians and other Indigenous peoples in Polynesia long before sea voyages between South America and Polynesia began. The text goes on to note that research by Muñoz-Rodríguez and colleagues has established that the Polynesian varieties of sweet potato split from South American varieties more than 100,000 years ago, which is thousands of years before humans settled in Polynesia. If Polynesian peoples were cultivating the sweet potato before sea voyages between Polynesia and South America began, and if Polynesian varieties of sweet potato diverged from South American varieties well before people were in Polynesia, it can reasonably be concluded that humans didn’t play a role in bringing the sweet potato to Polynesia.
Choice A is incorrect. The text doesn’t provide any information about when the sweet potato began to be cultivated in South America, so there’s no support for the conclusion that cultivation began in Polynesia before it began in South America.
Choice B is incorrect because the text indicates that the sweet potato was being cultivated in Polynesia long before sea journeys between Polynesia and South America began. Therefore, it wouldn’t be reasonable to conclude that Polynesian peoples acquired the sweet potato from South American peoples. Additionally, the text indicates that the Polynesian varieties of sweet potato diverged from the South American varieties thousands of years before people settled in Polynesia, which suggests that the sweet potato was already present in Polynesia when people arrived.
Choice D is incorrect because the text states that the domestic sweet potato, which is found in Polynesia, descends from a wild South American plant, not from a domesticated South American plant. The only people that the text describes as cultivating the sweet potato are Native Hawaiians and other Indigenous peoples of Polynesia.
You are going to complete the text by adding the most logical conclusion. The more you practice – the better you will become on it.
18th Question
Question: Atoms in a synchrotron, a type of circular particle accelerator, travel faster and faster until they ___________ a desired energy level, at which point they are diverted to collide with a target, smashing the atoms.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) will reach
B) reach
C) had reached
D) are reaching
Choice B is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of verbs to express tense in a sentence. In this choice, the present tense verb “reach” is consistent with the present tense verbs “travel” and “are diverted” used to describe how atoms move through the synchrotron.
Choice A is incorrect because the future tense verb “will reach” is inconsistent with the present tense verbs used to describe how atoms move through the synchrotron. Though the atoms’ movement is a recurring action and “will reach” can also be used to indicate a habitual or recurring action, it creates a logical inconsistency in this sentence when paired with the present tense verbs “travel” and “are diverted.”
Choice C is incorrect because the past perfect tense verb “had reached” is inconsistent with the present tense verbs used to describe how atoms move through the synchrotron.
Choice D is incorrect because the present progressive tense verb “are reaching” is inconsistent with the present tense verbs used to describe how atoms move through the synchrotron. While both verbs occur in the present, the present progressive tense suggests that the action is currently in progress. This creates a logical inconsistency when paired with the present tense verbs “travel” and “are diverted,” which offer a general description of the tendencies of the atoms’ movement, rather than a description of an action that is currently in progress.
To answer this, you know Present Continuous, Future Tense, Simple Present, and Past Perfect. Better learn all Tenses.
19th Question
Question: Even though bats prefer very sweet nectar, the plants that attract them have evolved to produce nectar that is only moderately sweet. A recent study __________ why: making sugar is energy-intensive, and it is more advantageous for plants to make a large amount of low-sugar nectar than a small amount of high-sugar nectar.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) explains
B) explaining
C) having explained
D) to explain
Choice A is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of finite and nonfinite verb forms within a sentence. A main clause requires a finite verb to perform the action of the subject (in this case, “a recent study”), and this choice supplies the finite present tense verb “explains” to indicate that the study explains why plants that attract bats have evolved to produce moderately sweet nectar.
Choice B is incorrect because the nonfinite participle “explaining” doesn’t supply the main clause with a finite verb.
Choice C is incorrect because the nonfinite participle “having explained” doesn’t supply the main clause with a finite verb.
Choice D is incorrect because the nonfinite to-infinitive “to explain” doesn’t supply the main clause with a finite verb.
To answer this, you know Simple Present, Gerund, Participles (Tenses), and Infinitive. Better learn all Tenses.
20th Question
Question: Former First Lady of the United States Eleanor Roosevelt and Indian activist and educator Hansa Mehta were instrumental in drafting the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights, a document that ________ the basic freedoms to which all people are entitled.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) have outlined
B) were outlining
C) outlines
D) outline
Choice C is the best answer. The convention being tested is subject-verb agreement. The singular verb “outlines” agrees in number with the singular subject “document.”
Choice A is incorrect because the plural verb “have outlined” doesn’t agree in number with the singular subject “document.”
Choice B is incorrect because the plural verb “were outlining” doesn’t agree in number with the singular subject “document.”
Choice D is incorrect because the plural verb “outline” doesn’t agree in number with the singular subject “document.”
To answer this, you know Past Continuous, Simple Present, and Present Perfect. Better learn all Tenses.
21st Question
Question: “The arts are more than just a source of entertainment; they are an essential component of a vibrant society. Studies consistently show that exposure to the arts enhances empathy, fosters creativity, and even improves academic outcomes. Yet, despite these clear benefits, public funding for the arts remains vulnerable to cuts whenever budgets are tight. Some argue that the arts should be self-sustaining, that taxpayer money should be reserved for essential services like healthcare and infrastructure. However, this perspective fails to recognize the arts as integral to cultural and individual development—a vital investment in the fabric of society.”
Which choice best describes the author’s tone in the passage?
A) Indignant and defensive
B) Objective and dispassionate
C) Concerned and persuasive
D) Skeptical and dismissive
Choice C is the best answer. The author shows concern about potential cuts to arts funding and argues passionately for its societal benefits, making the tone both concerned and persuasive.
Choice A is incorrect. The tone is not indignant or defensive; it is measured and reasoned.
Choice B is incorrect. Although the author presents some facts, they clearly advocate for public funding, making the tone more persuasive than dispassionate.
Choice D is incorrect. There is no indication of skepticism or dismissiveness in the author’s viewpoint.
Consider both the author’s purpose (advocating for arts funding) and their attitude toward the topic to correctly identify the tone.
22nd Question
Question: “Innovation has long been the engine driving the tech industry forward. However, as the pace of technological advancement accelerates, some have begun to question whether all innovation is inherently positive. For instance, the rise of artificial intelligence and automation has displaced many workers, leading to job insecurity and economic inequality. Furthermore, the constant demand for new products fosters a ‘throwaway culture’ that places a significant burden on the environment. Thus, while technological innovation has undoubtedly brought about remarkable progress, it is crucial to balance progress with considerations of social and environmental responsibility.”
According to the author, what is one potential downside of rapid technological advancement?
A) It has reduced the rate of product development within the tech industry.
B) It has led to increased collaboration between tech companies.
C) It has exacerbated economic inequality and environmental issues.
D) It has encouraged companies to avoid addressing societal challenges.
Choice C is the best answer. The passage discusses the job insecurity and environmental harm that accompany rapid technological progress, indicating economic and environmental downsides.
Choice A is incorrect. Contradicts the passage, which describes rapid and ongoing innovation rather than a reduced development rate.
Choice B is incorrect. There is no mention of increased collaboration between companies in the passage.
Choice D is incorrect. The passage argues that technological progress can have negative effects but doesn’t suggest that companies are actively avoiding societal challenges.
Identify specific issues the author associates with technological advancement (e.g., job displacement and environmental impact) to understand the passage’s critical view.
23rd Question
Question: “As children, Evelyn and I were inseparable, bound together not by shared interests or similarities, but by an inexplicable bond that seemed to defy logic. Where I was quiet, she was exuberant; where I was cautious, she was daring. Yet, despite—or perhaps because of—these contrasts, our friendship thrived, each of us complementing the other in ways we could not fully comprehend. But as the years wore on and our lives took divergent paths, I sometimes wondered if our friendship had been forged not by choice but by circumstance, a fixture of convenience rather than true connection.”
What does the narrator suggest about their friendship with Evelyn in this passage?
A) The friendship was based on a deep, mutual understanding that grew over time.
B) The friendship may have been more situational than deeply personal.
C) The friendship was superficial and lacked any real emotional depth.
D) The friendship ended due to a lack of common interests.
Choice B is the best answer. The narrator reflects that their friendship might have been “a fixture of convenience rather than true connection,” indicating it may have been shaped by circumstances rather than a deep bond.
Choice A is incorrect. The narrator suggests that the friendship was based on contrasting personalities, not mutual understanding.
Choice C is incorrect. While the narrator questions the friendship’s depth, they don’t imply it was entirely superficial or emotionless.
Choice D is incorrect. The friendship didn’t end due to a lack of common interests; rather, their lives simply took “divergent paths.”
Pay close attention to nuanced phrases like “fixture of convenience” to infer the narrator’s true feelings about the nature of the relationship.
24th Question
Question: While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:
• The US government classifies sensitive information according to the degree to which disclosure could affect the nation’s security.
• Information that could cause “damage” to national security is classified as Confidential.
• Information that could cause “serious damage” to national security is classified as Secret.
• Most routine diplomatic correspondence, if disclosed, could cause damage but not serious damage to national security.
• Diplomatic correspondence includes communication with both allies and adversaries.
The student wants to indicate which category most routine diplomatic correspondence belongs in, based on how sensitive information is classified. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?
A) According to the US government, which classifies such sensitive information as routine diplomatic correspondence, Confidential information could damage national security if disclosed.
B) Most routine diplomatic correspondence is classified according to the degree to which disclosure could affect the nation’s security.
C) Having the potential to damage national security if disclosed, most routine diplomatic correspondence is classified as Confidential.
D) If disclosed, communication with both allies and adversaries could affect the nation’s security.
Choice C is the best answer. The sentence indicates which classification category most routine diplomatic correspondence belongs in, explaining that it is classified as Confidential because it has the potential to damage national security if disclosed.
Choice A is incorrect. While the sentence makes a claim about information classified as Confidential, it doesn’t indicate which category routine diplomatic correspondence belongs in.
Choice B is incorrect. The sentence makes a generalization about how routine diplomatic correspondence is classified; it doesn’t indicate which classification category the correspondence belongs in.
Choice D is incorrect. This sentence explains that routine diplomatic correspondence could affect national security if disclosed; it doesn’t indicate which category of sensitive information this correspondence belongs in.
You require High-level English, Understanding, Skimming, and Concluding skills for this.
25th Question
Question: While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:
• The Atlantic Monthly magazine was first published in 1857.
• The magazine focused on politics, art, and literature.
• In 2019, historian Cathryn Halverson published the book Faraway Women and the “Atlantic Monthly.”
• Its subject is female authors whose autobiographies appeared in the magazine in the early 1900s.
• One of the authors discussed is Juanita Harrison.
The student wants to introduce Cathryn Halverson’s book to an audience already familiar with the Atlantic Monthly. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?
A) Cathryn Halverson’s Faraway Women and the “Atlantic Monthly” discusses female authors whose autobiographies appeared in the magazine in the early 1900s.
B) A magazine called the Atlantic Monthly, referred to in Cathryn Halverson’s book title, was first published in 1857.
C) Faraway Women and the “Atlantic Monthly” features contributors to the Atlantic Monthly, first published in 1857 as a magazine focusing on politics, art, and literature.
D) An author discussed by Cathryn Halverson is Juanita Harrison, whose autobiography appeared in the Atlantic Monthly in the early 1900s.
Choice A is the best answer. The sentence effectively introduces Cathryn Halverson’s book to an audience already familiar with the Atlantic Monthly, noting the title of Halverson’s book and describing its content without providing background information about the Atlantic Monthly.
Choice B is incorrect. The sentence introduces the Atlantic Monthly and mentions that it’s referred to in Cathryn Halverson’s book title; it doesn’t effectively introduce Halverson’s book.
Choice C is incorrect. The sentence assumes that the audience is unfamiliar with the Atlantic Monthly, providing background information about the magazine; it doesn’t effectively introduce Halverson’s book to an audience already familiar with the Atlantic Monthly.
Choice D is incorrect. While the sentence assumes that the audience is familiar with the Atlantic Monthly, it doesn’t effectively introduce Cathryn Halverson’s book.
You require High-level English, Understanding, Skimming, and Concluding skills for this.
26th Question
Question: While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:
• The magnificent frigatebird (fregata magnificens) is a species of seabird that feeds mainly on fish, tuna, squid, and other small sea animals.
• It is unusual among seabirds in that it doesn’t dive into the water for prey.
• One way it acquires food is by using its hook-tipped bill to snatch prey from the surface of the water.
• Another way it acquires food is by taking it from weaker birds by force.
• This behavior is known as kleptoparasitism.
The student wants to emphasize a similarity between the two ways a magnificent frigatebird acquires food. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?
A) A magnificent frigatebird never dives into the water, instead using its hook-tipped bill to snatch prey from the surface.
B) Neither of a magnificent frigatebird’s two ways of acquiring food requires the bird to dive into the water.
C) Of the magnificent frigatebird’s two ways of acquiring food, only one is known as kleptoparasitism.
D) In addition to snatching prey from the water with its hook-tipped bill, a magnificent frigatebird takes food from other birds by force.
Choice B is the best answer. The sentence emphasizes a similarity between the two ways a magnificent frigatebird acquires food, noting that neither way requires the seabird to dive into the water.
Choice A is incorrect. The sentence describes how a magnificent frigatebird captures prey without diving into the water; it doesn’t emphasize a similarity between the two ways the seabird acquires food.
Choice C is incorrect. The sentence notes the term used to describe one of the two ways that magnificent frigatebirds acquire food; it doesn’t emphasize a similarity between the two ways.
Choice D is incorrect. The sentence describes the two ways that a magnificent frigatebird acquires food; it doesn’t emphasize a similarity between the two ways.
You require High-level English, Understanding, Skimming, and Concluding skills for this.
27th Question
Question: While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:
• Ducklings expend up to 62.8% less energy when swimming in a line behind their mother than when swimming alone.
• The physics behind this energy savings hasn’t always been well understood.
• Naval architect Zhiming Yuan used computer simulations to study the effect of the mother duck’s wake.
• The study revealed that ducklings are pushed in a forward direction by the wake’s waves.
• Yuan determined this push reduces the effect of wave drag on the ducklings by 158%.
The student wants to present the study and its methodology. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?
A) A study revealed that ducklings, which expend up to 62.8% less energy when swimming in a line behind their mother, also experience 158% less drag.
B) Seeking to understand how ducklings swimming in a line behind their mother save energy, Zhiming Yuan used computer simulations to
study the effect of the mother duck’s wake.
C) Zhiming Yuan studied the physics behind the fact that by being pushed in a forward direction by waves, ducklings save energy.
D) Naval architect Zhiming Yuan discovered that ducklings are pushed in a forward direction by the waves of their mother’s wake, reducing the effect of drag by 158%.
Choice B is the best answer. The sentence presents both the study and its methodology (that is, the researcher’s approach to the problem), explaining that Yuan used computer simulations to study the effect of the mother duck’s wake on the ducklings’ energy expenditure.
Choice A is incorrect. The sentence describes the findings of Yuan’s study; it doesn’t present the study and its methodology.
Choice C is incorrect. While the sentence provides general information about Yuan’s study, it doesn’t present the study’s methodology.
Choice D is incorrect. The sentence describes the findings of Yuan’s study; it doesn’t present the study and its methodology.
You require High-level English, Understanding, Skimming, and Concluding skills for this.
You should complete the test within the time limit and practice more and more. That is how you will take the final SAT exam and be able to score 1400+ on the SAT. The explanation of answers makes it easy to learn and progress. You must try to work on your speed. “The harder the question – the greater the score.” This is the 7th Practice Test of SAT Reading and Writing Module 2nd.
Either you can take the 8th Practice Test of SAT Reading and Writing or the 7th Practice Test of SAT Math Module 1st.
- SAT Test 7th (Math Module 1st)
- SAT Test 8th (Reading and Writing Module 2nd)
- SAT Test 7th (Reading and Writing Module 1st)
Keep up the hard work. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors to get admission to your desired college after the SAT.