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adj – acts very carefully to avoid possible danger.


e.g. – Mr English locks his candy. Now, Mr English is cautious since when I ate all his candies.


In Hindi – adj. सावधान (savadhan).

v. चौकन्ना (chaukanna).

n. सतर्क (satark).



Phonetic Pronunciation =    uk /ˈkɔːʃəs/            us /ˈkɔːʃəs/



Synonymapprehensive, concerned, worried, afraid, fussy, hesitant, uptight, sensitive.

Antonym confident, brave, certain, unworried, sure.


Cognate Words –  Conjugatecaution

  • adv. – cautiously

  • n. – caution, cautiousness

  • vt. – caution


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