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Definition –
adj. – a humble place or thing is ordinary and not special in any way.
adj. – people with low social status are sometimes described as humble.
adj. – not proud and does not believe on themselves that they are better than other people.
adj. – poor or low-status rank, sometimes describes as humble.
v. – cause to feel shame.
e.g. – Be humble enough to learn from your mistakes.
Mr English and I behave humbly with one another.
In Hindi – v. नीचा दिखाना (nicha dikhana), नम्र बनाना (namr banana).
adj. नम्र/विनीत/सीधा सादा (namr/vinit/sidha sada)( Adjective ), नीच (nich), नम्र (namr), विनम्र (vinamr).

Phonetic Pronunciation =   uk /ˈhʌmbl/          us /ˈhʌmbl/
Synonym courteous, gentle, modest, ordinary, polite, quiet, respectful.
Antonym rude, impolite, intricate, complex, complicated.
Cognate Words – Conjugatehumble
  • ˈadj. – humbled, ˈhumbling, [(comparative = humbler), (superlative = humblest)]
  • n. – ˈhumbleness, ˈhumbler
  • adv. – ˈhumblingly, ˈhumbly
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