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Definition –

n. –  the process or state of being aware of something
n. – an idea, a belief, or an image you have as a result of how you see or understand something
n. – the ability to notice things, especially with the senses
e.g. –
In Hindi – n. अवधारणा (avadharaNa), प्रत्यक्ष ज्ञान (pratyakSh jnyan), अवबोधन (avabodhan), अनुभूति (anubhuti), अन्तर्दृष्टि (antardaRaShTi), प्रतिपत्ति ज्ञान (pratipatti jnyan), अभिज्ञता (abhijnyata), अवगम (avagam).

Phonetic Pronunciation =   uk /pəˈsepʃn/                     us /pərˈsepʃn/


Synonym approach, attitude, attention, opinion, concept, sense, taste, thought, judgement, notion.

Antonym concrete, ignorance, stupidity, misconception, misunderstanding.

Cognate words – Conjugatepercept  (Perceive = perceived – 2nd and 3rd form of a verb)

  • adj. – perceptive, perceptual, perceptible, perceivable

  • adv. -perceptibly, perceptively

  • n. – percept, perceptiveness, perceptibility, perceptivity

  • vi. – perceive

  • vt. – perceive

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