5 mins




What is Noun? = It is taken from Latin “NŌMEN” which means “Name.” A noun is a name of a person, animal, place, thing, idea, and emotion, etc. Basically, a noun is the name of everything.


For e.g. – Raj, Sam, boy, girl, India, Asia, America, school, hurt, friend, courage, love, faith, city, respect, tiger, Taj Mahal, Burj Khalifa, rock, pride, anger, month, January, year, and so on.



Let’s see them one by one!


A noun is a name of –



1.  Person = A noun is the name of a person. It can be any person’s name.

  • Ram, Ravi, Sam, Julie, Robert, Chris, Priya, David, Joey, Steve, Sunder, Akio, Haru, Asahi, Aki, Angel, Joshua, Abby, Abdel Fattah, Aabuid, Abd al-Uzza, and any name of a person.



2. Animal = A noun is the name of an animal. It can be any animal’s name.

  • Ant, Anaconda, Bull, Tiger, Lion, Snake, Fish, Bird, Eagle, Monkey, Rhino, Hippopotamus, Gorilla, Jaguar, Leopard, Wolf, Wolverine, Honey-badger, Tortoise, Rabbit, Turtle, Squirrel, Whale, Shark, Pig, Boar, Hog, Cat, Dog, Cobra, Mosquito, Fly, Vulture, Alligator, Elephant, Deer, Bison, Crocodile, and any name of an animal.



3. Place = A noun is the name of a place. It can be any place’s name.

  • India, America, Japan, Australia, Russia, Delhi, New York, London, Ireland, Asia, Antarctica, Germany, Philippines, Nepal, Dubai, Israel, Iran, Africa, Manila, Disneyland, Paris, France, Peru, Rome, Switzerland, England, New Zealand, Mount Fuji, Mount Kailash, Mount Everest, Honshu Island, Golden Bridge, Italy, Sydney, Egypt, Thailand, and any name of a place.



4. Thing = A noun is the name of things. It can be anything from this world.

  • Gold, Cotton, Silver, Iron, Nickel, Stone, Sound, Boredom, Rock, Paper, Plastic, Wood, Leather, Metal, Fiber, Glass, Foam, Plaster, Rubber, Ceramic, Concrete, Cup, Curtain, Bed, Bulb, Breakfast, Friend, Family, Bravery, Importance, Air, Music, and name of anything.



5. Idea and Emotion Noun = Including Idea and emotion, there is also a concept, feeling, relationship, theory, and quality, etc.

  • Love, Hate, Hurt, Pride, Courage, Bravery, Happiness, Peace, Beauty, Faith, Brilliance, Ability, Dream, Energy, Failure, Freedom, Gossip, Grace, Idea, Sorrow, Information, Inflation, Sadness, Relief, Romance, Anger, Power, Pleasure, Weakness, Delight, Wisdom, Trust, Tolerance, Sanity, Patience, Loyalty, Kindness, Jealousy, Ego, Fear, Envy, Coldness, Evil, Curiosity, Charity, and so on.





Singular and Plural Noun


  • Singular Noun – A single noun is a singular noun. When there is only one noun, we call it a singular noun.


e.g. – Bag, kite, book, key, stone, ear, cat, apple, orange, tomato, burger, bus, box, watch, child, tooth, man, woman, foot, mouse, and person, etc.


  • Plural Noun – Two or more nouns are “Plural Noun.” When there are two or more nouns, we call it a plural noun. A plural noun mostly ends in “s/es.” There are two types of plural nouns.


1. Regular Plural Noun = A regular plural noun mostly ends in “s/es.”

  • For example – bags, kites, keys, stones, ears, cats, apples, oranges, tomatoes, burgers, buses, boxes, and watches, etc.


2. Irregular Plural Noun = An irregular plural noun changes differently from singular to plural. There is no fixed rule for an irregular noun. It does not end in “s/es.”

  • For example – children, teeth, men, women, feet, mice, and people, etc.




Types of Noun


There are 14 types of nouns but 8 types of nouns are major.


Types of NounTo learn more about “Types of Noun”



  1. Common Noun
  2. Proper Noun
  3. Material Noun
  4. Abstract Noun
  5. Compound Noun
  6. Collective Noun
  7. Countable Noun
  8. Uncountable Noun
  9. Singular Noun
  10. Plural Noun
  11. Possessive Noun
  12. Gender
  13. Gerund
  14. Verbal Noun





Noun – These all are examples of a noun. You need to remember that a noun is just a name of idea and emotion. It does not express ideas and emotions. A verb expresses ideas and emotions.


I hope you understood “Noun!”



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