Have you made progress taking Module 2nd of the SAT Reading and Writing Test? If not, then you must complete the SAT within the time limit. Try attempting as many tests as you can and learn from the links that are there to train you. Our format is similar to the SAT Examination. You take the SAT Test Reading and Writing Module Second to practice your skills. The best part is that you practice free within the time limit, and there are explanations of the correct answers and tips and tricks to get a perfect score on the SAT.

The SAT is divided into four modules. There are two categories with each divided two modules into. The first category is “Reading and Writing” with two modules. The second category is “Math” with two modules. The one, you will do below is SAT Practice Test Reading and Writing Module 2nd.
The first module has questions ranging from easy to difficult, but the second module only contains difficult questions. If you want to take some other SATs, visit the links below.
- 1st Module of SAT Reading And Writing Practice Tests
- 2nd Module of SAT Reading And Writing Practice Tests
- 1st Module of SAT Math Practice Tests
- 2nd Module of SAT Math Practice Tests
The second module of the SAT reading and writing also contains four segments: Craft and Structure, Information and Ideas, Standard English Conventions, and Expression of Ideas. The questions in Module 2nd are only difficult. In a real SAT exam, you must answer 27 questions within 32 minutes. You will find the same time structure here in this Practice Test.
Instructions for the SAT Real-Time Exam
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- Interaction: At the top right corner, you will see a press button that tells you there are some interactive components in the slide. Click the press button to find out.
- Timer: On the top of the slide, you will see the timer, we have divided the time based on the average of the module 2nd. (The 32 minutes are equally divided into 27 questions’ time.) It is best to note the time before and after finishing the practice test to measure, “Was it within 32 minutes or not?”
- Image: You can click on graph, table, or other images to expand and see it on full screen.
- Mute: You can click on the speaker button to mute the audio.
- Mobile: You cannot take the real exam on mobile, but our practice exam you can give on mobile.
- Tips: This article will help you learn more about the SAT Exams. SAT: EVERYTHING ABOUT THE SAT
Our team has reviewed some of the best SAT learning materials for your convenience. These materials are best for your career growth.
- SAT Study Cards: https://amzn.to/3NJLI4O
- SAT Prep Book All In One Black Book: https://amzn.to/40uPYwK
- Check Our Review Blog: review.mrenglishkj.com
Do not open the tabs before finishing the practice test above! We have compiled all the solutions and their explanations here for your convenience. We will also give you some tips or advice to help you understand them better. You’ll see ‘why this answer is correct’ and ‘why this is incorrect.’
Reading and Writing Answers and Explanations
The color green shows the correct answer, red shows the incorrect answer, and blue shows tips or tricks.
1st Question
Question: For painter Jacob Lawrence, being __________ was an important part of the artistic process. Because he paid close attention to all the details of his Harlem neighborhood, Lawrence’s artwork captured nuances in the beauty and vitality of the Black experience during the Harlem Renaissance and the Great Migration.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) skeptical
B) observant
C) critical
D) confident
Choice B is the best answer because it most logically completes the text’s discussion of Jacob Lawrence’s artistic process. In this context, “observant” means watchful and perceptive. The text emphasizes that the “close attention” Lawrence paid to “all the details” of his neighborhood allowed him to reflect subtle elements of “the beauty and vitality of the Black experience” in his artwork. This context indicates that being observant of his surroundings was an important part of Lawrence’s work as an artist.
Choice A is incorrect because the text gives no indication that Lawrence was “skeptical,” or had an attitude of doubt in general or about particular things, let alone that skepticism was important to him as an artist. Rather than indicating that he was skeptical, the text focuses on how Lawrence paid careful attention to everything around him and reflected his observations in his artwork.
Choice C is incorrect because the text gives no indication that Lawrence was “critical,” which in this context would mean inclined to criticize harshly or unfairly. Rather than indicating that Lawrence found fault in things, the text suggests that he paid careful attention to everything around him and that his artwork reflects this careful attention.
Choice D is incorrect because the text doesn’t suggest that Lawrence was “confident,” or self-assured. Rather than addressing how Lawrence felt about himself and how that feeling affected his artistic process, the text emphasizes the careful attention Lawrence paid to everything around him—attention that allowed him to capture subtle elements of a particular place and time in his artwork.
Skim the paragraph to find the most suitable word, and work on your vocabulary skills also.
2nd Question
Question: Mônica Lopes-Ferreira and others at Brazil’s Butantan Institute are studying the freshwater stingray species Potamotrygon rex to determine whether biological characteristics such as the rays’ age and sex have ____________ effect on the toxicity of their venom—that is, to see if differences in these traits are associated with considerable variations in venom potency.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) a disconcerting
B) an acceptable
C) an imperceptible
D) a substantial
Choice D is the best answer because it most logically completes the text’s discussion of the research that Lopes-Ferreira and her colleagues are conducting on the stingray species Potamotrygon rex. As used in this context, “a substantial” effect means an effect that is sizable or noteworthy. The text indicates that the researchers are seeking to determine whether there are “considerable variations”
in the potency of stingray venom that is associated with variation in the stingrays’ age and sex. This context suggests that the researchers want to find out whether stingray age and sex have a substantial effect on venom toxicity.
Choice A is incorrect because there’s nothing in the text that suggests that the researchers have been studying whether the stingrays’ age and sex have “a disconcerting,” or an unsettling and disturbing, effect on the stingrays’ venom. The text indicates that the researchers wish to determine if stingray age and sex cause large variations in the toxicity of stingray venom, not if the effect of age and sex is disconcerting.
Choice B is incorrect because the text indicates that researchers want to find out whether differences in stingray age and sex produce differences in stingray venom, not that the researchers want to find out whether age and sex have “an acceptable,” or a satisfactory, effect on venom. The text makes no mention of what would make an effect on venom toxicity acceptable and gives no indication that the researchers are interested in that question.
Choice C is incorrect because it wouldn’t make sense in context for the researchers to be looking for “an imperceptible,” or an unnoticeable, effect of age and sex on stingray venom. The text says that the researchers are trying to determine if there are “considerable variations” in venom toxicity linked to age and sex, not that the researchers are trying to find effects that they can’t perceive.
Skim the paragraph to find the most suitable word, and also work on your vocabulary skills.
3rd Question
Question: Researchers have struggled to pinpoint specific causes for hiccups, which happen when a person’s diaphragm contracts ____________. However, neuroscientist Kimberley Whitehead has found that these uncontrollable contractions may play an important role in helping infants regulate their breathing.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) involuntarily
B) beneficially
C) strenuously
D) smoothly
Choice A is the best answer because it most logically completes the text’s discussion of diaphragm contractions and hiccups. In this context, “involuntarily” means done without any control, or by reflex. The text explains that when a person’s diaphragm repeatedly contracts and results in hiccups (which may be beneficial for infants), those muscle contractions are “uncontrollable.” This context
indicates that the diaphragm contractions occur without the person’s control.
Choice B is incorrect because it wouldn’t support the logical relationship established in the text’s discussion of diaphragm contractions and hiccups. The text indicates that although specific causes for hiccups haven’t been identified, it may be the case that the muscle contractions that occur have an important purpose in infants. It wouldn’t make sense to say that even though the contractions occur “beneficially,” or with a good or helpful effect, they might play a positive role in infants’ breathing regulation.
Choice C is incorrect because the text indicates that the diaphragm contractions that result in hiccups are “uncontrollable.” Because those muscle contractions are described as happening automatically and without the person’s control, it wouldn’t make sense to describe them as occurring “strenuously,” or in a way that requires great effort or energy.
Choice D is incorrect because the text doesn’t describe the quality of the diaphragm contractions that result in hiccups beyond stating that they are “uncontrollable.” Nothing in the text indicates that those muscle contractions occur “smoothly,” or evenly and continuously.
Skim the paragraph to find the most suitable word, and also work on your vocabulary skills.
4th Question
Question: Critics have asserted that fine art and fashion rarely _________ in a world where artists create timeless works for exhibition and designers periodically produce new styles for the public to buy. Luiseño/Shoshone-Bannock beadwork artist and designer Jamie Okuma challenges this view: her work can be seen in the Metropolitan Museum of Art and purchased through her online boutique.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) prevail
B) succumb
C) diverge
D) intersect
Choice D is the best answer because it most logically completes the text’s discussion about the relationship between fine art and fashion. As used in this context, “intersect” means to connect or overlap. The text indicates that Jamie Okuma challenges the position held by critics because her work can be seen at an art museum and can be bought by the public from her online boutique. The text also presents the critics’ view as being influenced by a perception that fine artists create works that are “timeless” and meant for exhibition, whereas fashion designers periodically produce new styles that are meant for purchase. This context suggests that the critics believe that fine art and fashion tend not to overlap—in other words, that they rarely intersect.
Choice A is incorrect because it wouldn’t make sense in context to say that critics contend that fine art and fashion rarely “prevail,” or prove to be triumphant or widespread. The text indicates that Okuma is an example of an artist who demonstrates that it’s possible to make fine art that is also available to the public as fashion.
Choice B is incorrect because it wouldn’t make sense in context to say that fine art and fashion rarely “succumb,” or surrender. The text establishes that unlike what critics believe, Okuma creates works that are in art museums and available for the public to purchase, suggesting that critics believe fine art and fashion rarely overlap, not that they rarely succumb.
Choice C is incorrect because saying that critics believe that fine art and fashion rarely “diverge,” or disagree or move in different directions, wouldn’t make sense in context. The text presents Okuma’s work as both fine art and fashion, thereby undermining what the critics assert. This suggests that the critics believe that fine art and fashion rarely intersect rather than that the two rarely diverge.
Skim the paragraph to find the most suitable word, and also work on your vocabulary skills.
5th Question
Question: Scholarly discussions of gender in Shakespeare’s comedies often celebrate the rebellion of the playwright’s characters against the rigid expectations ____________ by Elizabethan society. Most of the comedies end in marriage, with characters returning to their socially dictated gender roles after previously defying them, but there are some notable exceptions.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) interjected
B) committed
C) illustrated
D) prescribed
Choice D is the best answer because it most logically completes the text’s discussion of gender roles in Shakespeare’s comedies. As used in this context, “prescribed” would mean laid down as rules. The text indicates that the characters in the comedies often defy gender roles that are “socially dictated” (even if most characters do return to those roles eventually) and that scholars have been very interested in these acts of defiance. This context indicates that what the characters are rebelling against are standards of behavior prescribed by the society of the time.
Choice A is incorrect because saying that expectations about gender were “interjected,” or suddenly inserted between other things, wouldn’t make sense in context. There’s no suggestion in the text that the issue of gender roles was inserted between other things or was an interruption in a larger discussion.
Choice B is incorrect because the text indicates that Shakespeare depicts characters rebelling against expectations about gender that have been “socially dictated,” not expectations that society has “committed,” or carried out, entrusted, or promised.
Choice C is incorrect because the text indicates that Shakespeare depicts characters rebelling against expectations about gender that have been “socially dictated,” not expectations that have been “illustrated,” or clarified with examples. Although it’s possible for expectations about gender roles to be illustrated, there’s nothing in the text to indicate that characters in Shakespeare’s comedies rebel against illustrations of gender expectations.
Skim the paragraph to find the most suitable word, and also work on your vocabulary skills.
6th Question
Question: The fashion resale market, in which consumers purchase secondhand clothing from stores and online sellers, generated nearly dollar sign 30 billion globally in 2019. Expecting to see continued growth, some analysts _________ that revenues will more than double by 2028.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) produced
B) denied
C) worried
D) predicted
Choice D is the best answer because it most logically completes the text’s discussion of the fashion resale market’s continued growth. As used in this context, “predicted” means forecast, or indicated that something would happen in the future. The text indicates that the fashion resale market made a lot of money in 2019 and that some analysts expected the market to continue to grow. This context suggests that the analysts believed that the fashion resale market was going to make more money than it had already made, with the analysts indicating that revenues would more than double by 2028.
Choice A is incorrect because it wouldn’t make sense in context to say that some analysts “produced,” or manufactured or brought about, the increase in future revenues of the fashion resale market. The analysts themselves couldn’t have brought about the future revenue growth, since, as the text suggests, they were merely in the position of drawing conclusions about future fashion resale market revenue based on 2019 revenue.
Choice B is incorrect because the text indicates that some analysts expected the fashion resale market to continue to grow in the future, not that they “denied,” or rejected, this notion. Nothing in the text supports the idea that these analysts thought the revenues wouldn’t grow.
Choice C is incorrect because the text indicates that some analysts expected the fashion resale market to continue to grow in the future, not that they “worried,” or felt concerned, that revenue would significantly increase by 2028. Nothing in the text suggests that the analysts felt concerned about the increase; rather, the text suggests that the increase would represent a favorable outcome since it would mean that the fashion resale market grew to generate even more revenue.
Improve skimming and vocabulary skills.
7th Question
Question: Artificially delivering biomolecules to plant cells is an important component of protecting plants from pathogens, but it is difficult to transmit biomolecules through the layers of the plant cell wall. Markita del Carpio Landry and her colleagues have shown that it may be possible to _____________ this problem by transmitting molecules through carbon nanotubes, which can cross cell walls.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) conceptualize
B) neglect
C) illustrate
D) overcome
Choice D is the best answer because it most logically completes the text’s discussion of delivering biomolecules to plant cells. In this context, “overcome” means to succeed in dealing with an obstacle. The text suggests that although it’s difficult to move biomolecules through plant cell walls, Landry and her colleagues have shown that carbon nanotubes may be useful since they can cross cell walls. This context conveys that Landry and her colleagues think it’s possible, using carbon nanotubes, to succeed in dealing with the obstacle of transmitting biomolecules to plant cells.
Choice A is incorrect because it wouldn’t make sense in context to say that Landry and her colleagues have shown that it may be possible to “conceptualize,” or form an idea of, the difficulty of transmitting biomolecules through the walls of plant cells. The text presents this difficulty as a known problem that Landry and her colleagues think they may have solved, not as a mysterious occurrence that they
have yet to form ideas about.
Choice B is incorrect because the text suggests that Landry and her colleagues think it may be possible to successfully deal with the problem of transmitting biomolecules through the walls of plant cells, not that Landry and her colleagues think it may be possible to “neglect,” or simply to disregard and ignore the problem.
Choice C is incorrect because it wouldn’t make sense in context to say that Landry and her colleagues have shown that it may be possible to “illustrate,” or demonstrate, the difficulty of transmitting biomolecules through the walls of plant cells by using carbon nanotubes. According to the text, carbon nanotubes allow molecules to be transmitted to plant cells—something that is otherwise difficult to do. The text therefore presents carbon nanotubes as a way of possibly solving a problem, not as a means of demonstrating the problem.
Improve skimming and vocabulary skills.
8th Question
Question: Particle physicists like Ayana Holloway Arce and Aida El-Khadra spend much of their time __________ what is invisible to the naked eye: using sophisticated technology, they closely examine the behavior of subatomic particles, the smallest detectable parts of matter.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) selecting
B) inspecting
C) creating
D) deciding
Choice B is the best answer because it most logically completes the text’s discussion of the work of particle physicists. In this context, “inspecting” means viewing closely in order to examine. The text indicates that as particle physicists, Arce and El-Khadra’s work involves using advanced technology to “closely examine” subatomic particles. In other words, they use technology to inspect small parts of matter that can’t be seen by the naked eye.
Choice A is incorrect because nothing in the text suggests that Arce and El-Khadra spend time “selecting,” or choosing, subatomic particles for some purpose; the text simply states that the particle physicists use advanced technology to see and study the behavior of those tiny parts of matter.
Choice C is incorrect because nothing in the text suggests that Arce and El-Khadra spend time “creating” subatomic particles, or bringing them into existence; the text simply states that the particle physicists use advanced technology to see and study the behavior of those tiny parts of matter.
Choice D is incorrect. In this context, “deciding” would mean making a final choice or judgment about something. It wouldn’t make sense to say that particle physicists get to choose what is and isn’t visible to the naked eye, especially when the text presents it as fact that subatomic particles are “the smallest detectable parts of matter” and would therefore be invisible. The text focuses on Arce and El-Khadra’s close observation of those particles, not on any decisions they might make.
Improve skimming and vocabulary skills.
9th Question
Question: Anthropologist Kristian J. Carlson and colleagues examined the fossilized clavicle and shoulder bones of a 3.6-million-year-old early hominin known as “Little Foot.” They found that these bones were ____________ the clavicle and shoulder bones of modern apes that are frequent climbers, such as gorillas and chimpanzees, suggesting that Little Foot had adapted to life in the trees.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) surpassed by
B) comparable to
C) independent of
D) obtained from
Choice B is the best answer because it most logically completes the text’s discussion of the fossilized bones of the hominin known as Little Foot. As used in this context, “comparable to” would mean similar to. The text indicates that the relationship between the fossilized clavicle and shoulder bones of Little Foot and the clavicle and shoulder bones of “frequent climbers,” such as chimpanzees and gorillas, suggests that Little Foot had adapted to moving around in trees. This context suggests that the relationship between the fossilized bones of Little Foot and the bones of chimpanzees and gorillas is one of similarity—the Little Foot fossils are likely comparable to the modern ape bones.
Choice A is incorrect because if the fossilized bones of Little Foot were “surpassed by,” or exceeded by or made inferior to, the bones of modern apes that are frequent climbers, it wouldn’t suggest, as the text says, that Little Foot was adapted to moving around in trees. If anything, learning that Little Foot’s clavicle and shoulder bones were surpassed by those of chimpanzees and gorillas would suggest that Little Foot was poorly adapted to climbing.
Choice C is incorrect because if Little Foot’s fossilized clavicle and shoulder bones were “independent of,” or not influenced by or affiliated with, the bones of modern apes that climb often, it wouldn’t suggest, as the text says, that Little Foot was adapted to moving around in trees.
Choice D is incorrect because the text indicates that Little Foot’s fossilized bones date to 3.6 million years ago, so they couldn’t have been “obtained from,” or acquired from, the bones of modern apes.
Improve skimming and vocabulary skills and Preposition.
10th Question
Question: Rydra Wong, the protagonist of Samuel R. Delany’s 1966 novel Babel-17, is a poet, an occupation which, in Delany’s work, is not _____________: nearly a dozen of the characters that populate his novels are poets or writers.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?
A) infallible
B) atypical
C) lucrative
D) tedious
Choice B is the best answer because it most logically completes the text’s discussion of Samuel R. Delany’s character Rydra Wong. As used in this context, “atypical” would mean unrepresentative or not common. The text indicates that Wong is one of “nearly a dozen” characters in Delany’s novels who are poets or writers. This context conveys that being a poet isn’t an atypical occupation for a character in one of Delany’s works.
Choice A is incorrect because “infallible” means to be accurate or without fault, which wouldn’t make sense in context. The text focuses on the fact that Delany has written many characters who are poets and writers. This context suggests that the occupation isn’t atypical for Delany, not that the occupation isn’t infallible, or problematic.
Choice C is incorrect because “lucrative” means to be profitable, which wouldn’t make sense in context. If writing poet characters weren’t profitable, it wouldn’t be logical to explain this by citing that Delany gave many of his characters the same occupation.
Choice D is incorrect because “tedious” means to be boring, which wouldn’t make sense in context. The text focuses on the fact that Delany has written many characters who are poets and writers.
This context suggests that the occupation isn’t atypical for Delany, not that the occupation isn’t tedious.
Improve skimming and vocabulary skills.
11th Question
Question: In winter, the diets of Japanese macaques, also known as snow monkeys, are influenced more by food availability than by food preference. Although the monkeys prefer to eat vegetation and land-dwelling invertebrates, those food sources may become unavailable because of extensive snow and ice cover, __________ the monkeys to hunt for marine animals in any streams that have not frozen over.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) forces
B) to force
C) forcing
D) forced
Choice C is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of finite and nonfinite verb forms within a sentence. The nonfinite present participle “forcing” is correctly used to form a participial phrase that supplements the main clause “those…cover,” describing the effects on monkeys of the lack of food sources.
Choice A is incorrect because the finite present tense verb “forces” can’t be used in this way to supplement the main clause (“those…cover”).
Choice B is incorrect. While the nonfinite to-infinitive “to force” could be used to form a subordinate clause that supplements the main clause (“those…cover”), to-infinitives conventionally express purpose, and nothing in the sentence suggests that the food sources become unavailable to force monkeys to hunt marine animals.
Choice D is incorrect because the finite past tense verb “forced” can’t be used in this way to supplement the main clause (“those…cover”).
You should know Gerund, Participles (Tenses, especially Simple Present), and Infinitve. Learn Tenses.
12th Question
Question: Lucía Michel of the University of Chile observed that alkaline soils contain an insoluble form of iron that blueberry plants cannot absorb, thus inhibiting blueberry growth. If these plants were grown in alkaline soil alongside grasses that aid in iron solubilization, _____________ Michel was determined to find out.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) could the blueberries thrive.
B) the blueberries could thrive.
C) the blueberries could thrive?
D) could the blueberries thrive?
Choice D is the best answer. The convention being tested is end-of-sentence punctuation. This choice correctly uses a question mark to punctuate the interrogative clause “could the blueberries thrive,” which asks a direct question at the end of the sentence.
Choice A is incorrect because a period can’t be used in this way to punctuate an interrogative clause, such as “could the blueberries thrive,” at the end of a sentence.
Choice B is incorrect because the context requires an interrogative clause. The declarative clause “the blueberries could thrive” incorrectly indicates that it was known that the blueberries could thrive in alkaline soil, whereas Michel had yet to find this out.
Choice C is incorrect because a question mark can’t be used in this way to punctuate a declarative clause, such as “the blueberries could thrive,” at the end of a sentence.
Learn Modals, especially Could and Sentence Structure.
13th Question
Question: In his 1963 exhibition Exposition of Music—Electronic Television, Korean American artist Nam June Paik showed how television images could be manipulated to express an artist’s perspective. Today, Paik ___________ considered the first video artist.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) will be
B) had been
C) was
D) is
Choice D is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of verbs to express tense. In this choice, the present tense verb “is,” used in conjunction with the word “today,” correctly indicates that Paik is currently considered the first video artist.
Choice A is incorrect because the future-indicating verb “will be” doesn’t indicate that Paik is currently considered the first video artist.
Choice B is incorrect because the past perfect tense verb “had been” doesn’t indicate that Paik is currently considered the first video artist.
Choice C is incorrect because the past tense verb “was” doesn’t indicate that Paik is currently considered the first video artist.
Learn Tenses.
14th Question
Question: The first computerized spreadsheet, Dan Bricklin’s VisiCalc, improved financial record keeping not only by providing users with an easy means of adjusting data in spreadsheets but also by automatically updating all calculations that were dependent on these ___________ to VisiCalc’s release, changing a paper spreadsheet often required redoing the entire sheet by hand, a process that could take days.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) adjustments prior
B) adjustments, prior
C) adjustments. Prior
D) adjustments and prior
Choice C is the best answer. The convention being tested is punctuation use between sentences. In this choice, the period is used correctly to mark the boundary between the first sentence (“The…adjustments”) and the second sentence (“Prior…days”). Because the adverbial phrase beginning with “prior” indicates when changing a spreadsheet requires redoing the sheet by hand, that phrase belongs with the second sentence.
Choice A is incorrect because it results in a run-on sentence. Two sentences are fused without punctuation and/or a conjunction.
Choice B is incorrect because it results in a comma splice. A comma can’t be used in this way to mark the boundary between sentences.
Choice D is incorrect. Without a comma preceding it, the conjunction “and” can’t be used in this way to join the sentences.
Learn Punctuation and Conjunction.
15th Question
Question: In order to prevent nonnative fish species from moving freely between the Mediterranean and Red Seas, marine biologist Bella Galil has proposed that a saline lock system be installed along the Suez Canal in Egypt’s Great Bitter Lakes. The lock would increase the salinity of the lakes and ___________ a natural barrier of water most marine creatures would be unable to cross.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) creates
B) create
C) creating
D) created
Choice B is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of finite and nonfinite verb forms within a sentence. The modal “would,” which indicates the future from a perspective in the past, should be accompanied by a nonfinite base form verb. In this choice, the nonfinite base form verb “create” is used correctly in conjunction with the nonfinite base form verb “increase” to describe what the lock
would do.
Choice A is incorrect because the finite present tense verb “creates” can’t be used in this way with the modal “would” to describe what the lock would do.
Choice C is incorrect because the present participle “creating” can’t be used in this way with the modal “would” to describe what the lock would do.
Choice D is incorrect because the finite past tense verb “created” can’t be used in this way with the modal “would” to describe what the lock would do.
Learn Simple Present, Simple Past, Participles (Tenses), or better learn all Tenses.
16th Question
Question: Both Sona Charaipotra, an Indian American, and Dhonielle Clayton, an African American, grew up frustrated by the lack of diverse characters in books for young people. In 2011, these two writers joined forces to found CAKE Literary, a book packaging ______________ specializes in the creation and promotion of stories told from diverse perspectives for children and young adults.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) company,
B) company that
C) company
D) company, that
Choice B is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use and punctuation of an integrated relative clause. This choice correctly uses the relative pronoun “that” and no punctuation to create an integrated relative clause that provides essential information about the noun phrase (“a book packaging company”) that it modifies.
Choice A is incorrect because it doesn’t use a relative pronoun to link the verb phrase beginning with “specializes” to the noun phrase that it modifies (“a book packaging company”).
Choice C is incorrect because it doesn’t use a relative pronoun to link the verb phrase beginning with “specializes” to the noun phrase that it modifies (“a book packaging company”).
Choice D is incorrect because no punctuation is needed between the integrated relative clause beginning with “that specializes” and the noun phrase that it modifies (“a book packaging company”).
Learn Punctuation and Conjunction.
17th Question
Question: A study led by scientist Rebecca Kirby at the University of Wisconsin–Madison found that black bears that eat human food before hibernation have increased levels of a rare carbon isotope, _____________ due to the higher 13C levels in corn and cane sugar. Bears with these elevated levels were also found to have much shorter hibernation periods on average.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) carbon-13, (13C)
B) carbon-13 (13C)
C) carbon-13, (13C),
D) carbon-13 (13C),
Choice D is the best answer. The convention being tested is the punctuation of a supplementary element within a sentence. The comma after “(13C)” pairs with the comma after “isotope” to separate the supplementary element “carbon-13 (13C)” from the rest of the sentence. This supplementary element defines the “rare carbon isotope,” and the pair of commas indicates that this element could be removed without affecting the grammatical coherence of the sentence.
Choice A is incorrect because it fails to use appropriate punctuation to separate the supplementary element “carbon-13 (13C)” from the rest of the sentence
Choice B is incorrect because it fails to use appropriate punctuation to separate the supplementary element “carbon-13 (13C)” from the rest of the sentence.
Choice C is incorrect because it fails to use appropriate punctuation to separate the supplementary element “carbon-13 (13C)” from the rest of the sentence. The comma after “carbon-13” isn’t necessary because the parentheses around “13C” already separate this element from the rest of the sentence.
Learn Punctuation.
18th Question
Question: In 2010, archaeologist Noel Hidalgo Tan was visiting the twelfth-century temple of Angkor Wat in Cambodia when he noticed markings of red paint on the temple __________ the help of digital imaging techniques, he discovered the markings to be part of an elaborate mural containing over 200 paintings.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) walls, with
B) walls with
C) walls so with
D) walls. With
Choice D is the best answer. The convention being tested is punctuation use between sentences. In this choice, the period after “walls” is used correctly to mark the boundary between the first sentence (“In…walls”) and the second sentence (“With…techniques”), which starts with a supplementary phrase.
Choice A is incorrect because it results in a comma splice. A comma can’t be used in this way to mark the boundary between sentences.
Choice B is incorrect because it results in a run-on sentence. The sentences (“In…walls” and “with…paintings”) are fused without punctuation and/or a conjunction.
Choice C is incorrect. Without a comma preceding it, the conjunction “so” can’t be used in this way to join sentences.
Learn Punctuation and Conjunction.
19th Question
Question: Working from an earlier discovery of Charpentier’s, chemists Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna—winners of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry—re-created and then reprogrammed the so-called “genetic scissors” of a species of DNA-cleaving bacteria ___________ a tool that is revolutionizing the field of gene technology.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) to forge
B) forging
C) forged
D) and forging
Choice A is the best answer. The convention being tested is the use of finite and nonfinite verb forms within a sentence. The nonfinite to-infinitive “to forge” is correctly used to form a nonfinite (infinitive) clause that explains why the chemists re-created and reprogrammed the DNA-cleaving bacteria.
Choice B is incorrect. Without a comma separating the main clause (“chemists…bacteria”) from the participle “forging,” this choice illogically suggests that the bacteria are forging a tool, which doesn’t make sense.
Choice C is incorrect. Without a coordinating conjunction such as “and” placed before it, the finite past tense verb “forged” can’t be used in this way to describe the chemists’ actions.
Choice D is incorrect. If read as a finite verb, the present progressive verb “forging” isn’t consistent with the past tense verbs used in this sentence to describe the actions of the chemists. If read as a nonfinite verb, the participle “forging” can’t be used in this way because there is no following main clause for it to modify.
Learn Gerund, Participles (Tenses), and Infinitive.
20th Question
Question: In 2016, engineer Vanessa Galvez oversaw the installation of 164 bioswales, vegetated channels designed to absorb and divert stormwater, along the streets of Queens, New York. By reducing the runoff flowing into city sewers, ___________.
Which choice completes the text so that it conforms to the conventions of Standard English?
A) the mitigation of both street flooding and the resulting pollution of nearby waterways has been achieved by bioswales.
B) the bioswales have mitigated both street flooding and the resulting pollution of nearby waterways.
C) the bioswales’ mitigation of both street flooding and the resulting pollution of nearby waterways has been achieved.
D) both street flooding and the resulting pollution of nearby waterways have been mitigated by bioswales.
Choice B is the best answer. The convention being tested is subject-modifier placement. This choice makes the noun phrase “the bioswales” the subject of the sentence and places it immediately after the modifying phrase “By reducing…sewers.” In doing so, this choice clearly establishes that the bioswales—and not another noun in the sentence—are reducing runoff flowing into city sewers.
Choice A is incorrect because it results in a dangling modifier. The placement of the noun phrase “the mitigation…waterways” immediately after the modifying phrase results in unclear modification. The resulting sentence makes it hard to determine what is responsible for “reducing the runoff”: the bioswales or some other noun in the sentence.
Choice C is incorrect because it results in a dangling modifier. The placement of the noun phrase “the bioswales’ mitigation…waterways” immediately after the modifying phrase results in unclear modification. The resulting sentence makes it hard to determine what is responsible for “reducing the runoff”: the bioswales or some other noun in the sentence.
Choice D is incorrect because it results in a dangling modifier. The placement of the noun phrase “street flooding and the resulting pollution” immediately after the modifying phrase illogically suggests that the “flooding and pollution” are reducing runoff flowing into city sewers.
Work on your skimming and summarising skills to blend sentences into one.
21st Question
Question: In 1949, Frank Zamboni developed an ice rink resurfacing machine. As Zamboni’s machine moved along the rink’s surface, it first scraped off the top layer of ice. ____________ it sprayed water into the deep grooves left behind by customers’ skates. Lastly, it smoothed over the newly formed ice.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?
A) For example,
B) Next,
C) Similarly,
D) In contrast,
Choice B is the best answer. “Next” logically signals that the action in this sentence—the water spraying—is the next step in the resurfacing process, following the ice scraping mentioned in the previous sentence.
Choice A is incorrect because “for example” illogically signals that the action in this sentence is an example of the action in the previous sentence. Instead, the water spraying is the next step in a process that begins with the ice scraping.
Choice C is incorrect because “similarly” illogically signals that the action in this sentence is similar to the action in the previous sentence. Instead, the water spraying is the next step in a process that begins with the ice scraping.
Choice D is incorrect because “in contrast” illogically signals that the action in this sentence contrasts with the action in the previous sentence. Instead, the water spraying is the next step in a process that begins with the ice scraping.
Read and understand the paragraph then find the most suitable word. You must possess a deep understanding of words.
22nd Question
Question: In 2014, Nestor Gomez won his first-ever storytelling competition, relating a tale about his life as a Guatemalan immigrant living in Chicago. ____________ in 2017, Gomez created the show 80 Minutes Around the World as a platform for others to share stories about their immigration experiences.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?
A) Instead,
B) For example,
C) Later,
D) In other words,
Choice C is the best answer. “Later” logically signals that the information in the sentence—that in 2017 Gomez created a platform for others to share stories about their immigration experiences—occurs later in a chronological series of events than the previous information about Gomez winning his first storytelling competition in 2014.
Choice A is incorrect because “instead” illogically signals that Gomez created a platform for others to share stories about their immigration experiences as an alternative to winning his first storytelling competition. Rather, Gomez created the platform later—in a chronological series of events—than when he won the competition.
Choice B is incorrect because “for example” illogically signals that the information about Gomez creating a platform for others to share stories exemplifies his winning his first storytelling competition. Rather, Gomez created the platform later—in a chronological series of events—than when he won the competition.
Choice D is incorrect because “in other words” illogically signals that the information about Gomez creating a platform for others to share stories is merely a paraphrase or restatement of the previous information about Gomez winning his first storytelling competition. Rather, Gomez created the platform later—in a chronological series of events—than when he won the competition.
Read and understand the paragraph then find the most suitable word. You must possess a deep understanding of words.
23rd Question
Question: To guarantee the validity of experimental results, scientists rely on precise, unchanging standards of measurement. ____________ metrologists (scientists who study measurement) developed the SI, or International System of Units. The SI’s units of measurement are based on unchanging values in nature, such as the mass of an electron or the speed of light.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?
A) In contrast,
B) Regardless,
C) In addition,
D) For this reason,
Choice D is the best answer. “For this reason” logically signals that the information that follows—that metrologists developed the SI based on unchanging values in nature—is a result of the previous claim that scientists rely on precise, unchanging standards of measurement to guarantee the validity of experimental results.
Choice A is incorrect because “in contrast” illogically signals that the information that follows contrasts with the previous claim that scientists rely on precise, unchanging standards of measurement. Instead, the information that metrologists developed the SI based on unchanging values in nature is a result of that claim.
Choice B is incorrect because “regardless” illogically signals that the information that follows is true despite the previous claim that scientists rely on precise, unchanging standards of measure. Instead, the information that metrologists developed the SI based on unchanging values in nature is a result of that claim.
Choice C is incorrect because “in addition” illogically signals that the information that follows is merely an additional fact related to the previous claim that scientists rely on precise, unchanging standards of measurement. Instead, the information that metrologists developed the SI based on unchanging values in nature is a result of that claim.
Read and understand the paragraph then find the most suitable word. You must possess a deep understanding of words.
24th Question
Question: In retrospect, one of the lessons of the 2003 Human Genome Project is that a gene is affected by many factors, not the least of which is its interactions with the protein products of other genes. __________ rather than just focusing on the human genome, efforts to better understand gene mutations related to disease have begun to consider the human proteome, the complete set of proteins expressed by human genes.
Which choice completes the text with the most logical transition?
A) In other words,
B) That said,
C) For example,
D) Accordingly,
Choice D is the best answer. “Accordingly” logically signals that this sentence states a result or consequence of the previous information about the 2003 Human Genome Project. Taking into account an important lesson of the 2003 project (that a gene is affected by interactions with the protein products of other genes), research has begun to consider the human proteome instead of just the genome.
Choice A is incorrect because “in other words” illogically signals that the information in this sentence is a paraphrase or restatement of the previous information about the 2003 Human Genome Project. Instead, this sentence states a result or consequence of that information.
Choice B is incorrect because “that said” illogically signals that the information in this sentence qualifies or contrasts with the previous information about the 2003 Human Genome Project. Instead,
this sentence states a result or consequence of that information.
Choice C is incorrect because “for example” illogically signals that this sentence provides an example supporting the previous information about the 2003 Human Genome Project. Instead, this sentence states a result or consequence of that information.
Read and understand the paragraph then find the most suitable word. You must possess a deep understanding of words.
25th Question
Question: While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:
• Iranian scholar Abu Rayhan al-Biruni studied Earth’s physical features.
• He theorized that a large landmass existed west of Europe and east of Asia.
• Al-Biruni published his landmass theory in 1037 CE.
The student wants to specify when al-Biruni published his landmass theory. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?
A) In 1037 CE, al-Biruni published his theory that a large landmass existed west of Europe and east of Asia.
B) Al-Biruni, who studied Earth’s physical features, published a theory about a large landmass.
C) Al-Biruni was an Iranian scholar who studied Earth’s physical features.
D) An Iranian scholar who studied Earth’s physical features, al-Biruni theorized that a large landmass existed west of Europe and east of Asia.
Choice A is the best answer. The sentence specifies when al-Biruni published his landmass theory, indicating that it was published in the year 1037 CE.
Choice B is incorrect. While the sentence notes that al-Biruni published a landmass theory, it doesn’t specify when the theory was published.
Choice C is incorrect. The sentence identifies al-Biruni as a scholar of Earth’s physical features; it doesn’t specify when he published his landmass theory.
Choice D is incorrect. The sentence describes al-Biruni’s landmass theory; it doesn’t specify when the theory was published.
You must have logical reasoning skills for this, keep attempting questions like these to become a master of it.
26th Question
Question: While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:
• In astronomy, the mass of stars can be described in units called solar masses.
• One solar mass is roughly equal to the mass of the Sun.
• The mass of the star Proxima Centauri is 0.122 solar masses.
• The mass of the star Sirius A is 2.063 solar masses.
The student wants to emphasize the mass of Sirius A. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?
A) The mass of stars, like Proxima Centauri, can be described in units called solar masses.
B) In astronomy, the mass of stars can be described in units called solar masses, and one solar mass is roughly equal to the mass of the Sun.
C) The Sun is more massive than Proxima Centauri, which has a mass of 0.122 solar masses.
D) With a mass of 2.063 solar masses, Sirius A is more massive than the Sun.
Choice D is the best answer. The sentence emphasizes the mass of Sirius A, noting that it has a mass of 2.063 solar masses and that it is larger than the Sun.
Choice A is incorrect. The sentence makes a generalization about how the mass of stars can be measured; it doesn’t emphasize the mass of Sirius A.
Choice B is incorrect. The sentence introduces solar masses as a unit of measurement; it doesn’t emphasize the mass of Sirius A.
Choice C is incorrect. The sentence emphasizes the mass of Proxima Centauri, not the mass of Sirius A.
You must have logical reasoning skills for this, keep attempting questions like these to become a master of it.
27th Question
Question: While researching a topic, a student has taken the following notes:
• A lever is a simple machine consisting of a rigid beam and a fulcrum.
• The fulcrum is the point about which the beam pivots.
• The input force (effort) is the force applied to the lever.
• The output force (load) is the force that the lever exerts on another object.
• In first-class levers, the fulcrum is located between the effort and the load.
• In second-class levers, the load is located between the effort and the fulcrum.
The student wants to contrast first-class levers and second-class levers. Which choice most effectively uses relevant information from the notes to accomplish this goal?
A) In levers, the effort is the force applied to the lever; the load, in contrast, is the force that the lever exerts on another object.
B) In first-class and second-class levers, the fulcrum and the load are in different locations.
C) First-class levers are simple machines consisting of a rigid beam and a fulcrum, but then again, the same is true of second-class levers.
D) In first-class levers, the fulcrum is located between the effort and the load, but in second-class levers, the load is located between the effort and the fulcrum.
Choice D is the best answer. The sentence contrasts first-class levers and second-class levers, explaining that the fulcrum in a first-class lever is between the effort and the load, whereas in a second-class lever the load is between the effort and the fulcrum.
Choice A is incorrect. The sentence defines two terms associated with levers; it doesn’t contrast first-class levers and second-class levers.
Choice B is incorrect. While the sentence seems to acknowledge a general difference in fulcrum and load locations between first-class and second-class levers, it does not specify what this difference is. Moreover, the sentence could be read as emphasizing a similarity—that in both types of levers, the fulcrum and load are in different locations. The sentence thus fails to effectively contrast the two types of levers.
Choice C is incorrect. The sentence describes a similarity between first-class and second-class levers; it doesn’t contrast them.
You must have logical reasoning skills for this, keep attempting questions like these to become a master of it.
You should complete the test within the time limit and practice more and more. That is how you will take the final SAT exam and be able to score 1400+ on the SAT. The explanation of answers makes it easy to learn and progress. You must try to work on your speed. “The harder the question – the greater the score.” This is the 6th Practice Test of SAT Reading and Writing Module 2nd.
Either you can take the 7th Practice Test of SAT Reading and Writing or the 6th Practice Test of SAT Math Module 1st.
- SAT Test 6th (Math Module 1st)
- SAT Test 7th (Reading and Writing Module 2nd)
- SAT Test 6th (Reading and Writing Module 1st)
Keep up the hard work. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors to get admission to your desired college after the SAT.