34 mins

Ways To Say “You are Welcome!”


Ways To Say You’re Welcome = There are so many ways to reply to ‘Thank You‘ in place of just saying ‘You’re Welcome.’ It is important to give back the answer to ‘Thank You’ but when we do not use a proper appreciation for someone’s ‘Thank you,’ we do not give them proper satisfaction with the help that we have done for them. (When we do not give proper value to someone’s ‘Thank you,’ the person is not completely satisfied even though we have helped him or her.)


So, it is better to say something more meaningful than to just say “You’re Welcome.”


Let’s take an example –


KJ – You stayed here for me even though you were busy. You helped me a lot. I am indebted to you from bottom of my heart.


Mr English – You’re Welcome!


How would you feel if you were in place of ‘KJ?’


That is why it is important to learn “Ways To Say ‘You’re Welcome

Ways to say You’re Welcome



Ways to say your welcome, how to reply of thank you
Ways to say your welcome, how to reply of thank you
Ways to say your welcome, how to reply of thank you
Ways to say your welcome, how to reply of thank you
Ways to say your welcome, how to reply of thank you





Formal and Common Ways – The phrases are quite popular for daily usage. These phrases can also be used for official purposes. Let’s see the phrases to say ‘You’re Welcome!’




1. Not at all – This phrase is quite formal and common as well. It means, “Totally, there is no problem.” When you do not feel any problem helping others, you can use this phrase.


  • You can also say – ”No problem at all,’ ‘no need at all,’ or ‘no need to thank me, I’m glad to do it.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



2. (I’m always) glad to help – It is a polite phrase to reply to ‘Thank You.’ It means, ” I am grateful, pleased, happy, and pleasured to help you.”


  • You can also say – “Glad to have helped,’ ‘glad to help,’ or ‘I’m glad to help.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



3. I’m here to help – This phrase is simple. I am here to help you.


  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



4. I’m glad that you’re satisfied – I am happy, grateful, and pleased that you are satisfied with my help. It can become a formal phrase when you use it completely, ‘I am glad that you are satisfied.’


  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



5. (It’s) My Pleasure – I feel happy, satisfied, and enjoyable to help you. I feel pleasure.


  • You can also say – ‘The pleasure is all mine’ or ‘it’s truly a pleasure.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



6. (I’m sure) you’d do the same for me – It means, “I am sure that you would help me the same in the future.”


  • You can also say – “I know you’d do the same for me,’ ‘I expect you’d do the same for me.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



7. (I’m always) happy to help – You can use this phrase when you feel happy to help.


  • You can also say – “It makes me happy to help,’ ‘I’m happy to (support the team).”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



8. (I am) pleased to help you! – You can use this phrase when you are happy and satisfied to help.


  • You can also say – “I am very pleased!”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



9. (I am) just returning the favour – I helped you because you had helped me earlier that is why I am just returning the favour. When somebody helped you and you helped him or her in return then you can use this phrase.



10. You’re very welcome (to my help) – You use this phrase when you accept and appreciate someone’s “Thank You.” But when you add ‘to my help’ with ‘You’re very welcome,’ it means that you will help me in the future.


  • You’re very welcome to my help – I helped you. Now, you are most welcome to help me in the future. You use this phrase when you exchange helps with each other. I helped you so, you would help me in the future.


*Note – It sounds like you are trading helps. Be careful to use this phrase. Use this phrase to the people who can understand that your meaning is to build a connection.


  • You can also say – “You’re (most) welcome to my help.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



11. You are so kind – When you help somebody and that person says “Thank you for the help,” it shows the act of kindness of that person. ‘You are so kind’ denotes that how kind is that person.


  • You can also say – “So, kind of you;’ ‘That’s kind of you.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



12. Don’t give it a second thought – You helped somebody and they appreciate you by saying ‘Thank you.’ You do not want him or her to think about the help again. You say, “You do not think about it twice. I did it for you, the help has given. You do not need to thank me.”



13. It was nothing (big) – It is not a big deal. I did not do something huge for you. It is just a little help.


  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought. You can put anything in place of ‘Big’ which suits the phrase.



14. That’s what good (friends) do – It is a job or duty of me to help you.


  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.
  • You can put anything in place of ‘Friends’ like colleagues, teachers, students, brothers, sisters, or family, etc.



15. That’s all right – It is fine, no need to thank me.



  • You can also say – “It’s alright,’ ‘It’s fine,’ or ‘It’s okay.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



16. That’s why I’m here – I am here for you. What do you need? I do it for you and you do not need to thank me.


  • You can also just say – That’s why I’m here to help you. You can put anything in place of ‘Help’ which you did for him or her.
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



17. No thanks are necessary – This phrase is too formal. This phrase means, “You do not need to thank me.” The actual phrase is – ‘Thanks are no necessary,’ but when you put “No” in the first position, it becomes too formal.


  • You can also say – ‘No, thanks are not necessary.’
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



Altruistic Ways – When the person thinks about others more than himself or herself, we call the person altruistic. If you care about somebody so much, you can use these phrases.
  • So much care shows here like –“I just live for you.’ ‘I can even die for you.’ ‘My heart beats for you.’ ‘Everything I have is for you.” All the cheesy phrases like that.


If you really want to help that person over and over again, you should use these phrases. Let’s see them!




1. It’s never a chore – I do never feel a single time that I do work for you. When I help you, it never feels like work.


  • You can also say – “It’s never a trouble’ or ‘It’s never a problem.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



2. Thank you for allowing me to help – When a person says ‘thank you,’ you reply by saying ‘Thank you for allowing me to help’ because you feel happy, pleased, pleasured, satisfied, or something by helping him or her. So, you thank the person because he or she allows you to help him or her.



3. You are my first priority – I always help you first because you are my first priority. When the person tells you ‘Thank you,’ you reply to them that you do not need to thank me because you are my first priority to help.



4. I’ve got your back – I am always behind to help you. Whenever you are in trouble, you do not need to worry because I am always with you to help. I have become your support in problems.


  • You can also say – “I am always your backbone.” (Be careful when you use this, some people might get offended.) “I am always behind you.” or “I’ve got your back and I always will be.”



5. I’m happy to be of assistance – When you are ready to be an assistant of someone’s, you can use this phrase. It means, “I am happy to assist you in your help or I am happy to be the assistant of your help.”


  • You can also say – “It’s always great to be of assistance,’ ‘Glad that I could be of assistance,’ or ‘Pleased to be of assistance.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



6. It’s my duty – It is my job to help you, you do not need to thank me. When you take helping others as your job, you use this phrase.


  • You can also say – “Oh! That’s alright. It’s my (friendly) duty,’ ‘(I am) just doing my job.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



7. Happy to be of service – Again, you show here that I am at your service to help or support you. When you are ready to be under someone’s roof or someone’s service, you can use this phrase.


  • You can also say- “I am here to serve,’ ‘I am happy to serve you,’ ‘(I am) at your service,’ or ‘Anything for your service.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



8. Anytime – I am always there and you can ask me anytime for help. This phrase shows that anytime you need me just tell me.


  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



9. Let me know if you need anything else – This shows your dedication to helping others. It means, “tell me whenever you need me.”



10. Let me know if I can help you in the future – When you are ready to help someone in the future, you should use this phrase. It means, “tell me whenever you need me in future.”



11. I’ll do anything for you. (You know that) – I am there for you. I will do anything for you to help you. But when you use ‘You know that,’ your tone changes the effect.


  • Let’s look here – “You KNOW that.” When you raise your tone to that point, it means you are sure.
  • “You knOW THAt.” When you raise your tone to that point, it means you want him or her to answer you.


  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



12. It’s made my day helping you – When you feel happy, pleasured, pleased, or satisfied to help others, you use this phrase.



13. I’m honoured to have helped – When someone is at a higher or superior level than you, you can use this phrase. When you really respect that person so much or you really feel honoured, you can use this phrase.


  • You can also say – “I am honoured to help.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



14. Your satisfaction is my goal – I am here to satisfy your need. Whenever you need me, I am available to help you because your satisfaction is my goal.


  • You can also say – “Your satisfaction is my job / my duty / my life / etc.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



15. I’m at your service milady / my lord – I am here to serve you, my lady or my lord; you do not need to thank me. When you are ready to serve or be a servant of someone, this phrase is for you.



16. It was my privilege – I feel pleasured, pleased, happy, or satisfy when I help you. When you get something from helping others, you can use this phrase.



17. We aim to please (you) – Our goal or aim to make you happy, satisfied, and pleasured. You do not need to thank us because this is our goal.


  • You can also say – “My aim/goal/target is to please you,’ or ‘Your pleasure is my goal or aim.’
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.





Special Ways – Sometimes we use funny, clever, creative, and smart ways to reply to the “Thank You.” Here are the phrases that you can use to make your personality special. When you use these phrases people say – Wow! What a personality!




1. Oh! It was the least that I could do – When somebody says thanks to you and you feel that your help is quite little, you should use this phrase. It means, “It was the most little help that I did for you.” Do not thank me! It is not a big deal.



2. It’s all gravy – It is totally awesome, cool, fun, or excellent to help you. It is slang.


  • Gravy means – Gravy is a thick curry or thick liquid for vegetables and meat. Gravy is made the food more delicious, rich, saucy, and luxurious. In totality, it makes the food awesome.



3. I’ll count on your vote in my next election – You helped somebody and he or she thanked you. You use this phrase to tell him or her that you do not need to thank me. You will help me in the future in return for the help I did.



4. When do I get my payment? – This one is rather interesting, you can only use this phrase when you know the person very well because you are asking for the money from the help you did for him or her. The person can take the idea wrong that you ask for the money from the help you did but actually you are joking.


  • Remember – When you say this phrase, you should put a smile on your face otherwise the person does not take it as a joke. He or She can be offended that you ask for the money.



5. You have no idea what I have traded with the devil for it – This is also an interesting phrase. It is also a joke that I have made a deal with the devil. I helped you in exchange for the help I have traded something with the devil. The trade is related to you. It is totally a joke but you should be careful to use it only on those people who know that you are joking.



Lucifer - You have no idea what I have traded with the devil for it.


  • The Devil, Lucifer, from the Bible, is quite infamous to trade with someone in exchange for something.
  • There is a famous Netflix web series, called Lucifer. There is a famous dialogue which is called “Devilish, IOU (I Owe You.)”


  • The devil gives favour to the person who asks for the favour and the devil demands something which the devil need from that person. That is called the devilish IOU.
  • You can use this phrase also when you do trading with someone. It is a creative way to say IOU.


  • You can also say – “You won’t believe what I traded the devil for it!’ or ‘You would be stunned/surprised/shocked after hearing what I traded with the devil.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



6. You would have done the same in my shoes – You will do the same if you are in my position. This phrase shows that you would do the same for me that I did for you. When someone says thanks to you and you want to say that you will help me the same way just like I helped you, you should use this phrase.


  • In my shoes –  It is a phrase that means “In my place, in my situation, in my condition, or in my position.”


  • You can also say – I know you would’ve done the same if you were in my shoes.
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



7. Your smile is thanks enough – I helped you to just make you happy. I can help you anytime just for your smile.


  • You can also say – Anything to make you happy / smile.
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



8. You’ve got it – When you feel that I did not do anything special by helping you. It is you who did this. I support you or help you but you play the main role. When the person appreciates you by saying thank you and you appreciate back to the person that you are the reason for this achievement or success then you should use this phrase.


  • You’ve got it = ‘You have succeeded it’ or ‘You have achieved it.’


  • You can also say – “You got it,’ ‘I did nothing, you play the important role,’ ‘You achieved it,’ or ‘You have done a great job.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



9. Oh, stop it, you! – Your expressions make this phrase icing on the cake. The person appreciates you by saying thank you but you do not want the appreciation. So, you can use this phrase “Stop appreciating me!”


  • Read this to understand the tone you should pick – OH! – a little pause – sTOpIt, you.


  • You can also say – “Oh! common,’ ‘No need it,’ ‘Stop,’ ‘Mention not,’ ‘No mention,’ ‘Forget it,’ or ‘Leave it.’
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



10. You owe me like million dollars – It is also a joke. When you want to denote that your help is worth a million dollars, you can use this phrase. Your expressions make it impressive.


  • You can add any value here – couple hundreds, thousands, millions, billions, or centi-billion.
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



11. I accept cheque, card, and everything – Again a funny one, you say this to accept the payment of the work you have done for someone. It is a joke. Your expression makes it more impressive.


  • *Note – Some people do not easily understand jokes. You should put a smile on your face after you said this phrase.


  • You can also say – ‘I only accept (card/cheque/cash/etc.).’ or ‘You will get my bill in the morning.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



12. The feeling is mutual – This phrase shows that we both feel the same way so, the feeling is mutual means both are thankful to each other. The person is thankful because you helped him or her. You are thankful because the person allowed you to help him or her.



13. You’ll get my bill in the morning – When you demand the money as a joke in exchange for the help you did, you should use this phrase. You can put any time here, ‘in the morning’ is not necessary.


  • You can also say – “My bouncer will call you for the money.” A funny way to scare others, you mean to say that my thug will come to collect the reward because you say thank you in exchange for the help, you did not pay anything so, my bouncer will come to collect the reward forcefully. It is totally a joke.


  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



14. Give me a pen, and I’ll give you my autograph – When you want the person to behave like a fan, you can use this phrase. When you feel the person behaves like a fan, you should use this phrase. It shows that you appreciate me for the help I did for you. You treat me like a superstar who helps people. It shows a witty personality. You should behave witty when you use this phrase.


  • You can also say – “Where do you want me to sign?’

– ‘Where do I sign?”

– ‘Do you want to take a selfie with me?’

– ‘Well! I cannot say no to my fans, you can take a selfie with me.”


  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.





Informal Ways – Informal phrases are not for official purposes. You can use these phrases with your friends, family, neighbour, juniors, or the people you know. These phrases are less polite than Formal phrases.


The major identity of Informal phrases is that they are short, improper grammar, and sometimes a little grammatical errors.




1. No Problem – I helped you and I did not think that help was a problem. I did not face any problems while I was helping. You do not need to thank me.


  • You can also say – “It’s not a problem,’ or ‘Not a problem.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



2. No thanks – This is a simple phrase. You do not need to thank me.


  • You can also say – “No thank you,’ or ‘No need to thank me.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



3. No worries – You do not need to worry about it. I just help you.


  • You can also say – “Don’t worry about it,’ or ‘No need to worry.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



4. It’s okay – Everything is fine you do not need to worry to thank me. I helped you and you thanked me. It is okay now.


  • You can also say – “It’s fine,’ or ‘Fine by me.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



5. No mention – I helped you and you do not need to mention it by saying thank you.


  • You can also say – “Don’t mention it,’ ‘Never mention,’ or ‘Mention not.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



6. No big deal – It is not a big deal that I helped you so, you do not need to thank me.


  • You can also say – “Not a big deal.”



7. Just ask, any time, I can help – You do not need to worry, just ask me anytime I will be there for you.


I will be there for you


  • You can also say – “I will be there for you.” It is a famous song from the tv show “FRIENDS.” It means I will be there for you anytime you need me.


  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



8. Forget it – I helped you and you do not need to appreciate me, just forget about it.


  • You can also say – “Leave it,’ or ‘Don’t remember it.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



9. Cool – I helped you and you thanked me. We are even now. We are cool.



10. Let me know anytime I can help – I already helped you and if you need more help, you should ask me anytime. I am ready to help you anytime you need, just inform me.





Reply to “Thank you for giving this gift” – When you give somebody a gift or present and that person thanked you, you can use these phrases to reply.




1. A special gift for a special person – This special gift is for you because you are also special. You compliment the person when the person thanked you for the gift you gave to him or her. It is such a great way to give a gift as well as a compliment.


  • You can also say – “A special gift for a special person like you.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



2. I’m so glad that you like it – I am so happy, pleased, and satisfied that you like the gift I give you.


  • You can also say – “I’m so happy that you like it,’ ‘I’m pleased that you like it,’ or ‘I feel pleasured that you like it.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



3. I hope you enjoy (using) it – I assume that you enjoy the gift. You are asking in a way, “do you enjoy my gift?”



4. Knowing you like it is all the thanks I need – You gave a gift to someone and the person thanks to you. You know that the person likes it. You say that is all I want to hear then you should use this phrase.



5. I knew you’d like it – You gave a gift to someone and that someone likes it. When you say that I know you will like the gift, you should use this phrase. You show a surety that I know that you like my gift.


  • You can also say – “I already had an idea that you would like it.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



6. I wanted you to have it – You gave a gift to someone that someone tried to thank you. When you say that I want you to keep and use that gift, you should use this phrase. I want you to use it.



7. Happy to share – I am happy to share that gift.


  • You can also say – “Pleased to share,’ ‘Glad to share,’ or ‘Pleasured to share.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



8. Enjoy it. With my compliments – I gave you a gift. You thanked me. I appreciate you and that is why this is the gift, I gave you. Enjoy the gift!



9. Put it to good use – You should use that gift in a good way. I advise you to put that gift to good use.



10. It’s just a small token – It was just a little effort that I made for your appreciation. When you are happy with someone’s work and you want to appreciate them by giving the gift, you should this phrase.


  • You can also say – “It’s just a token of appreciation.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



11. It’s perfect for you – I thought this gift was perfect for you so, I gave it to you.



12. You deserve a treat – When you compliment someone for their hard work or effort, you can use this phrase that you deserve the gift.


  • You can also say – “You deserve it,’ or ‘You deserve this gift.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



13. It made me think of you – I saw this gift and I feel, this gift should belong to you. This gift is just created for you so, I gifted you. When I see this gift, it reminds me of you.


  • You can also say – “This (gift) reminds me of you,’ or ‘You are the only one who is made for this.”
  • You can modify this phrase by adding your actual feeling and thought.



14. Please enjoy – Please enjoy the gift I gave you.




When Someone Do Not Say Thank You To You For Your Help –


What Should You Do At That Point? – You any of these phrases that you have learnt here. The person did not say thank you to you but no problem, you should still reply to them by using any of the above phrases. Let’s see how!


KJ – I again saved your life Mr English.


Mr English –


KJ – You’re mOst WELCoMe!


  • You try to pronounce this. Did you notice the upper tone there while you were pronouncing? Just the same way, you should use all the phrases. You should use your tone and phrase in a way so, the person realizes that he or she has forgotten to tell you “Thank You.”


  • This is the only way to remind the person of his or her mistake. When the person doesn’t thank you, use any phrase with a slightly higher tone at the end of the phrase to remind the person that you have forgotten to tell me “Thank You.”


  • The presence of mind is important to understand, which phrase do I use? Let’s see what is the Presence of Mind?




Use The Presence of Mind –


It is often difficult to find the right response when someone thanks you for a gift, a favour, or for simply being you. With the right words, however, you can be polite, courteous, funny, or professional in your reply. It doesn’t matter which phrase you decide to use, the most important thing is to keep in mind that the words you say should come from your heart.


You should understand what help you give and how to respond to the appreciation you get from the person. You should just feel the emotion and the situation, you have the power to make your own phrase.


Learn these phrases and try to make your own and tell me in the comment section!




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